1.超凡脱俗:avoid earthly concerns and hold
oneself aloof from the vulgar
2.超然物外:hold oneself aloof from the world; be above worldly considerations; stay away from the scene of contention
3.车到山前必有路:the cart will find way round the hill when it gets there- things will eventually sort themselves out
4.车水马龙:an incessant stream of horse and carriages-heavy traffic
5.不可胜数;enough to fill carts and be measured by the bushel-common and numerous
6.彻上彻下:through and through; outright; arrant
8.默不做声:reticent, reserved, silent
9.沉冤莫白:grievous wrongs that can never be redressed
10.陈陈相因:follow a set routine; stay in the same old groove
11.陈词滥调:cliché; platitude
12.陈规陋俗:bad old customs
13.陈年迈窖:old wine
15.趁火打劫:take advantage of another’s misfortune; fish in trouble waters
16.抓住时机:strike while the iron is hot
17.称孤道寡:style oneself king; act like an absolute
18.称王称霸:act like an overlord; lord it over; domineer
19.称兄道弟:call each other brothers; be on intimate terms
20.瞠目结舌;stare dumbfounded; be struck dumb
21.不计其数:thousands and ten thousands; thousands upon thousands; thousands of
21.三五成群:in flocks; in strength
22.成人之美:help sb to fulfil his wish; aid sb in doing a good deed
23.成者为王,败者为寇:the winner is the king, the loser a bandit; losers are the wrong; nothing succeeds like success.
24.诚惶诚恐:with reverence and awe; in fear and trepidation
25.诚意诚意:earnestly and sincerely
26.承上启下:serve as a link between past and future
27.承上启下:form a connecting link between what comes before and what goes after
28.承前启后:inherit the past and usher in the future; serve as a link between past and future
29.城门失火,拖累池鱼:when the city gate catches fire; the fish in the moat come to grief-innocent people suffering from what happens to others.
30.城下之盟:a treaty concluded with enemy who have reached the city wall; term accepted under duress; a treaty signed under coercion
31.披荆斩棘:brave the wind and waves
32.乘龙快婿:an excellent or ideal son-in-law
33.乘人之危:take advantage of sb’s misfortune
34.乘兴而来:arrive in high spirits; set out cheerfully
35.浑水摸鱼:get a chance to step in; get in through the crack
36.惩恶劝善:punish evil-doers and encourage people to do good
37.小惩大诫:punish one to warn a hundred; make an example of sb