
考研英语|同源外刊|卫报|digital divide|数字间隔(上)|逐句注解

承受上段说“日子更难了一点”,从买火车票推及日子的其他方面,比方预定家庭医生和泊车,都需要在线上结束了,这些改造都根据一个不公正的关于群众运用互联网才能的假定(unjustified assumptions are being made about the ability of some users to cope)。举出了数据闪现仍是有许多人没有网络或许无法熟练的运用网络,所以这些人面临被打扫在外和被孤立的风险(risks exclusion and isolation)。
①from gp appointments to payment apps for parking, more and more key services are now delivered digitally. ②local councils, cash-strapped and in search of efficiency savings, are moving inexorably online in the way they do business. ③bt plans to phase out traditional landlines by 2025. ④as this revolution takes place, unjustified assumptions are being made about the ability of some users to cope. ⑤in the case of health and social care, it will often be those most in need of assistance who are least able to navigate a digital route to accessing it. ⑥a recent ofcom report estimated that around 6% of households – 1.5m homes – have no internet access. ⑦millions more of us remain irregular and unconfident users of the internet. ⑧as digital technology becomes the gatekeeper to swathes of everyday life – a process accelerated by the pandemic – a significant minority risks exclusion and isolation.
①?? from gp appointments to payment apps for parking, more and more key services are now delivered digitally.
从gp预定到付出泊车费的使用程序(gp 即?general practitioner,就是家庭医生)越来越多的首要效能如今都靠数字化完成了。deliver这儿的意思和第一段第三句to see savings delivered in this way中的意思相同,即“完成”。
②?? local councils, cash-strapped and in search of efficiency savings, are moving inexorably online in the way they do business.
先把两个逗号去掉,无缺的语句是local councils are moving inexorably online in the way they do business. 主语谓语就很理解了。说的是local councils当地议会,正在搬到线上,把啥搬到线上呢?他们干事务的方法,而议会的事务也就是他们担任的那些公同事务。收拾一下就是当地议会正将其事务转移到线上。
还有一个重要的副词,单独拿出来说:inexorably,它的描述词inexorable [?n?eks?r?bl]在后文也会呈现,意为“不可以阻挡的;不容改动的”,比方:the seemingly inexorable rise in unemployment. 看似不可以阻挡的赋闲增加。而考研文章也呈现过这个单词,来看一下这个语句of all the changes that have taken place in english-language newspapers during the past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage. 其间的the inexorable decline,即意为“不可以阻挡的式微”。
回头看逗号中心的cash-strapped and in search of efficiency savings,显着是and并排两个有些来润饰前面的当地议会。第一个cash-strapped, strap为ed方法呈现,在这儿做动词,标明“用带子系(或绑、捆、扎)”,联接前面的cash现金,被现金绑缚住的,就是“结据”的。第二个比照好了解,in search of寻求efficiency savings功率节约,就是“花更少的钱办更多的事,或许更快的就事”的意思,可以翻译为“前进功率”。
③?? bt plans to phase out traditional landlines by 2025.
语句比照简略,看一个专有名词bt, 英国电信(集团),全称british telecom,简称bt。
温习一下phase out, 逐步选择的意思。电信公司,所以逐步选择的是landline,固定电话。
④?? as this revolution takes place, unjustified assumptions are being made about the ability of some users to cope.
主句有些,主语unjustified assumptions, assumption来自assume, 标明“假定”,迷糊富含这种假定是差错的意思。而unjustified,来看一下它的改变进程,开始始的just不只是副词,还可以做描述词标明“公正的,合理的”,加上标明“使…化”的动词词尾-fy,变成动词“证明…合理”, justify动词变成-ed方法,放在assumptions前面进行润饰,标明“有合理理由的,无可厚非的”,最终加上标明否定的前缀un,及“不公正的,无法说明的”。连起来,不公正的假定正在被做出,关于啥呢?the ability of some users to cope,一些运用者的应对才能,cope标明处置,可用于词组cope with sth, 恰当于deal with sth.
⑤ in the case of health and social care, it will often be those most in need of assistance who are least able to navigate a digital route to accessing it.
in the case of,很了解了,就…而言,至于…。和它很像的一个词组一同掌控一下,in case of?假定,如果。回到语句,就医疗和社会效能而言。
主句有些,先看一个单词navigate,和deliver相同,可以又是一个“了解的陌生人”。咱们都背过navigate 是“导航”的意思,但这儿显着和导航没啥联络,所以掌控一下第二个意思,“驾御,成功唐塞(困难境况)”,比方:during childhood each of us has to navigate a pathway through a series of developmental stages...咱们每自个在年少时都要阅历和应对不一样的生长期间。
回到语句。这常常会是这些最需要协助的人(those most in need of assistance) ,一个用who引导的定语从句润饰这些人,最不能(are least able to)应对电子途径(navigate a digital route)而获取它。
⑥?a recent ofcom report estimated that around 6% of households – 1.5m homes – have no internet access.
语句较简略,一个专有名词ofcom, 全称office of communication,即英国信息通讯打点局,是英国信息通讯业的主管机构。这个打点局迩来的陈述估计,大约有6%的家庭,即150万户,没有接入网络。
⑦millions more of us remain irregular and unconfident users of the internet.
还稀有百万的人,这儿的more标明除了上一句中没有互联网的人,另外还稀有百万人,remain还处于一个啥状况呢?irregular 不规则的,unconfident不自傲的,互联网运用者。意思是不常常且不熟练的互联网运用者。
更常见的是regular,描述词标明“有规则的,守时的,常常的”,作为名词还有一个特定的意思,标明“常客,老顾客‘,比方:regulars at his local pub have set up a fund to help out...常常莅临他的酒吧的人伸出援手树立了一个基金会。
⑧ as digital technology becomes the gatekeeper to swathes of everyday life – a process accelerated by the pandemic – a significant minority risks exclusion and isolation.
gatekeeper, 字面意思不难猜出,标明“守门员,看门人”,这儿当然和足球没啥联络,可以试着翻译一下先。
swathe, 意为“一长条的布(比方纱带),一长条/一长片的土地”,swathes of everyday life,往常日子的大片,即往常日子的许多方面。
accelerate, 动词,标明“加速,增速”,近义词有quicken, precipitate和hasten。
risk, 这儿是动词,标明“冒着…的风险;担着…的风险”。
看语句,仍然是双破折号先不看,无缺的语句为as digital technology becomes the gatekeeper to swathes of everyday life a significant minority risks exclusion and isolation. 仍然是as从句+主句的规划。跟着数字技能变成许多往常日子的看门人,即挡在往常日子和不会上网的我们之间,数量许多的少量人(不敌对哈,全体比例是少量,但必定数量仍是许多)面临被架空在外的风险。
最终补上双破折号中心的内容,a process accelerated by the pandemic,规划是“名词+动词ed后置润饰”,一个怎么样的进程?被疫情加速的进程。这个很简略了解,因为疫情所以许多事务都转向线上了。
①the inexorable shift online is inevitable, but its fallout needs to be managed with more care. ②technology should not be allowed to drive people to the side of their own lives, as anecdotal evidence suggests is increasingly the case. ③ros altmann, the former pensions minister and conservative peer, recently wrote of being contacted by an elderly woman who no longer drives to her local park, because she cannot download the car parking app required. ④as the sheer range and complexity of digital requirements expands, the desperate recruitment of middle-aged sons and daughters as unpaid consultants has become a phenomenon of our times. ⑤meanwhile, the growing rarity of person-to-person interactions while making transactions – or just seeking advice and information – can exacerbate a sense of isolation among the lonely.
①?? the inexorable shift online is inevitable, but its fallout needs to be managed with more care.
inexorable之前碰到过它的副词方法,这儿当温习,标明“不能改动的; 不可以阻挡的”。弥补一个词根的小常识,ora恰当于mouth,标明,比方oral口头的,inexorable的组变成:in否定前缀 + ex往外 + ora 说 + able 能……的,连起来变成“不能往外说的”,那已然不能说,就不能改动了,是不是对回想有一点点协助?
同一个分句里另外的一个描述词也是考研阅览文章里喜爱呈现的,inevitable, 标明“不可以避免的;无法躲避的;必定(发生)的”。不可以阻挡的转为线上是不可以避免的。废话文学可不是中文的专利。
后一个分句启下,先看一个单词fallout, 标明“余波,成果”,比方:grundy lost his job in the fallout from the incident. 格伦迪受该作业影响丢了作业。所以今后想要表达“成果,后续影响”时,可以和result, consequence等换着用。
?②?? technology should not be allowed to drive people to the side of their own lives, as anecdotal evidence suggests is increasingly the case.
主句里又有一个“了解的陌生人”side, 众所周知是“边”的意思,那么联系语境,drive people to the side of their own lives, 怎么了解呢?把我们赶到他们自个日子的边边?有点意思了。side 还能标明“边缘”,比方:...a small beach on the north side of the peninsula...半岛北侧的一个小海滩。还记住前文说到的各种困难吗?所以这儿可以了解为“不大约答应技能把我们逼到自个日子的边缘”。
从句中,一个单词anecdotal描述词,它的名词更常见anecdote [??n?kd??t],轶事,趣闻,传闻。anecdotal evidence suggests…意为“传闻根据标明“,标明啥呢?increasingly the case, case在这儿了解为”情况‘,即我们被逼到日子边缘,这种情况越来越多了。关于anecdotal,可以再弥补一个短语countless anecdotal reports许多的8卦消息。
③?? ros altmann, the former pensions minister and conservative peer, recently wrote of being contacted by an elderly woman who no longer drives to her local park, because she cannot download the car parking app required.
赤色有些ros altmann为主语
双逗之间的黑色有些the former pensions minister and conservative peer,是对主语这自个的阐明,先略过。
绿色有些recently wrote of为谓语
橘色有些being contacted by an elderly woman为宾语(of的介宾)
第一个蓝色有些who no longer drives to her local park为由who引导的丁语从句,润饰前面的woman
第二个蓝色有些who no longer drives to her local park为由because引导的缘由状语从
pension,养老金,比方:..a company pension scheme.公司养老金方案
conservative, 保存的;沿袭保守的,在这儿大适意为“(英国)保存党的,撑持保存党的”。
peer, 名词咱们很了解它的一个意思是“同龄人;同辈;身份(或方位)相同的人”,比方peer pressure同辈压力。但这儿并不是保存党同辈的意思,peer在这儿标明“贵族”,一个比照稀有的意思,晓得即可。
单词妨碍理解之后,能试着了解或许翻译了吗?参阅:前养老金部长及保存党贵族ros altmann迩来写道,有一位老妇人联络他,说自个不再开车去当地的公园,因为她无法下载所需要的泊车使用程序。
④?? as the sheer range and complexity of digital requirements expands, the desperate recruitment of middle-aged sons and daughters as unpaid consultants has become a phenomenon of our times.
从句中一个单词留心一下,sheer, 常常和名词一同连用,用于偏重,标明“朴实的,完全的,十足的”,比方:sheer chance quite often plays an important part in sparking off an idea. 构思的激起一般朴实是靠命运。跟着数字化需求的规模及凌乱性扩展。
主句,在主语the desperate recruitment of middle-aged sons and daughters和谓语宾语has become a phenomenon of our times之间刺进了一个as的短语as unpaid consultants。
⑤meanwhile, the growing rarity of person-to-person interactions while making transactions – or just seeking advice and information – can exacerbate a sense of isolation among the lonely.
as he was young, he learned how to ride a bike. 他小时分就学会了骑自行车。
状语从句as he was young的主语he是不是和主句的主语he相同?是的
状语从句as he was young的动词was是不是be的某种方法?是的
在这种情况下,状语从句中的主语和be的某种方法,就能省掉,语句变成as young, he learned how to ride a bike.
回到文章的语句,the growing rarity of person-to-person interactions while making transactions,语句的主语是the growing rarity of person-to-person interactions,所以可以用it来替代,a of b的规划恰当于一个名词,而时态,根据can及其他上下文可以认为是一般如今时,所以语句复原为the growing rarity of person-to-person interactions while it is making transactions,这样看着就舒畅多了(实践阅览时,只需了解即可,无需精确复原,除非有标题)。
再掌控一个单词exacerbate使恶化; 使加剧; 激怒,咱们前面是不是学过一个和它意思附近的单词?accelerate。两者比较,exacerbate更多的是指不好的情况的加剧。
收拾一下语句意思。与此一起,在进行生意时人与人之间的互动越来越少 — 或只是寻求主张和信息— 可以会加剧孑立者的孤立感。
①the debate over ticket offices offers an opportunity to reflect more broadly on the increasing role of technology in our social landscape. ②clearly, much more needs to be invested in helping marginalised groups gain easy online access. ③but a diversity of provision also needs to be

protected. ④some people will never become comfortable using smartphones or tablets to get vital tasks done. ⑤alternative and viable offline options must be maintained for important services. ⑥contactable telephone numbers and staffed public access points should always be available. ⑦this will cost more. ⑧but that is the price of being fair to those who find themselves on the wrong side of the digital divide.
①?? the debate over ticket offices offers an opportunity to reflect more broadly on the increasing role of technology in our social landscape.
尽管语句不短,可是一个简略句,除去介词短语(to reflect more broadly/on the increasing role of technology/in our social landscape.)的非中心成分,剩下的就是“主谓宾”中心成分the debate over ticket offices offers an opportunity,即“关于售票处的争论供给了一个机缘”。
啥机缘呢?to reflect more broadly去更广泛的反思
反思啥呢?on the increasing role

of technology技能扮演的越来越重要的人物
在哪里扮演人物呢?in our social landscape在咱们的社会图景中,也就是社会日子中。
②?? clearly, much more needs to be invested in helping marginalised groups gain easy online access.
第一个,help sb do sth的规划,协助或人做某事,这是在语句里helping后边一大串的内容所用的规划。另外还能说help sb with sth.
第二个,marginalised, 是一个动词marginalise的ed方法做描述词润饰groups, 而这个 动词来自名词margin, 意为“边缘;边缘”,引申为“(社会、集体或活动中的)边缘方位,非主体方位”,比方:students have played an important role in the past, but for the moment, theyre on the margins. 学生曩昔早年发扬了重要的作用,不过如今他们变得无关宏旨了。 在名词后加上标明“…化”的动词词尾“ise/ize”,即标明”边缘化“。
③?? but a diversity of provision also needs to be protected.
but?话锋一转,前面说咱们需要协助那些不会或不能上网的人上网,可是也需要维护a diversity of provision. 即“多元供给“,也就是网络以外的选项。名词diversity多样性,多样化,描述词diverse, 多种多样的,比方:society is now much more diverse than ever before. 当今社会较之以往任何时分都要五颜六色得多。
④?? some people will never become comfortable using smartphones or tablets to get vital tasks done. ⑤alternative and viable offline options must be maintained for important services.
温习一个表达规划,get sth done结束某事。语句的意思:一些人将永久不会对运用智能手机或平板电脑来结束重要的使命(get vital tasks done)感到舒畅。即他们仍是喜爱线下。
来看最初的两个描述词,alternative and viable
alternative,描述词,替代的,备选的,比方:they had a right to seek alternative employment. 他们有权另谋高就。来看它的动词,alternate, 标明“替换,轮流“,比方:her aggressive moods alternated with gentle or more co-operative states...她心境多变,时而咄咄逼人,时而又显得温柔平缓或乐于协作。一起alternate也是一个描述词,标明” 替换的;轮流的“,比方:they were streaked with alternate bands of colour. 它们都带有各种颜色相间的条纹。
viable, 看到able描述词词尾,大致能判别出它标明“能…的“,它的意思是”真实可行的;能办到的“,比方the goal has been to establish and sustain a nation of viable family farms. 方针是要树立一个可以使家庭农场得以存续的国家,并使其坚持下去。在六级阅览中也呈现过该词:in poor, dry regions, untreated wastewater is the only viable irrigation source to keep farmers in business.
⑥contactable telephone numbers and staffed public access points should always be available. ⑦this will cost more. ⑧but that is the price of being fair to those who find themselves on the wrong side of the digital divide.
主谓宾很理解,…大约老是可供运用(should always be available)。主语contactable telephone numbers and staffed public access points,contactable由contact+able构成,可联络的电话号码,staffed是staff加了ed, 所以可以看出这儿的staff为名词活用为动词,标明“由…担任作业人员;由…供职“,比方:the center is staffed with highly trained physicians...该中心配备了练习有素的医生。所以在这儿标明”配备作业人员的公共接入点“,即线下的有人的效能点。
第⑧句。主句that is the price,可是这是价值。
啥价值呢?of being fair to those,关于一些人公正
怎么样的一些人呢?who find themselves on the wrong side of the digital divide,发现自个在数字间隔的差错的一边的人,即前面说的the significant minority,感遭到exclusion and isolation的那些不会或许无法运用智能手机平缓板电脑的人。

the guardian view on digital exclusion: online must not be the only option
the interests of a significant minority are being neglected as everyday tasks are conducted via smartphones and tablets
on the eve of this week’s rail strikes, it was reported that industry bosses are planning to phase out paper train tickets and shut almost 1,000 station ticket offices in england. the government says nothing has been decided. but the transport secretary, grant shapps, has made no secret of his desire to see savings delivered in this way; some stations, mr shapps likes to point out, sell only a handful of tickets each week and the vast majority of transactions have moved online.
irrespective of the outcome of the current standoff with the rmt union, the direction of travel is clear. in the name of modernisation and cost-cutting, station ticket offices are likely to follow many high street bank branches and rural post offices into the vaults of sepia-tinted memory. for those of us who have grown used to the advantages of organising travel via a smartphone, there will be little to mourn. but for people without online access or skills – who tend to be older, poorer and more vulnerable – another small social barrier will have been erected.
from gp appointments to payment apps for parking, more and more key services are now delivered digitally. local councils, cash-strapped and in search of efficiency savings, are moving inexorably online in the way they do business. bt plans to phase out traditional landlines by 2025. as this revolution takes place, unjustified assumptions are being made about the ability of some users to cope. in the case of health and social care, it will often be those most in need of assistance who are least able to navigate a digital route to accessing it. a recent ofcom report estimated that around 6% of households – 1.5m homes – have no internet access. millions more of us remain irregular and unconfident users of the internet. as digital technology becomes the gatekeeper to swathes of everyday life – a process accelerated by the pandemic – a significant minority risks exclusion and isolation.
the inexorable shift online is inevitable, but its fallout needs to be managed with more care. technology should not be allowed to drive people to the side of their own lives, as anecdotal evidence suggests is increasingly the case. ros altmann, the former pensions minister and conservative peer, recently wrote of being contacted by an elderly woman who no longer drives to her local park, because she cannot download the car parking app required. as the sheer range and complexity of digital requirements expands, the desperate recruitment of middle-aged sons and daughters as unpaid consultants has become a phenomenon of our times. meanwhile, the growing rarity of person-to-person interactions while making transactions – or just seeking advice and information – can exacerbate a sense of isolation among the lonely.
the debate over ticket offices offers an opportunity to reflect more broadly on the increasing role of technology in our social landscape. clearly, much more needs to be invested in helping marginalised groups gain easy online access. but a diversity of provision also needs to be protected. some people will never become comfortable using smartphones or tablets to get vital tasks done. alternative and viable offline options must be maintained for important services. contactable telephone numbers and staffed public access points should always be available. this will cost more. but that is the price of being fair to those who find themselves on the wrong side of the digital divide.





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    瞄里个去(2023-03-03 22:19:45)
  • fegdpt
    fegdpt(2023-03-03 22:21:00)
  • 如果真的梦见你
    如果真的梦见你(2023-03-03 22:27:02)
  • 菡莹媚梦蕴
    菡莹媚梦蕴(2023-03-03 22:32:01)
  • 恒晨哲
    恒晨哲(2023-03-03 22:34:00)