1、Thank you in advance for your time.提前谢谢您的名贵时刻。
2、Looking forward to hearing from you!等待收到你的来信!
3、 We hope to receive your favour at an early date.咱们期望提前得到您的喜爱。
4、We are obliged to you for your kind attention in this matter.咱们非常谢谢你对这件事的注重。
5、Allow us to thank you for the kindness extended to us.对贵方的美意,咱们不堪感谢。
6、I hope you will forgive me for not having written you for so long.好久没有回复,还请宽恕。
7、We hope to be favored with a reply with the least delay.咱们期望可以从速得到答复。
8、We greatly regret that we have caused you such an inconvenience.关于给您构成的不便利,咱们深表抱愧。
9、With deepest sympathy,致以最深切的怜惜,
10、With condolences,致以吊唁,(标明慰劳)
11、Sincerely yours。谨致问好。(假定收件人是你很尊敬的或不了解的人,且邮件内容比照严厉的话,就要用比照正式的落款。)
12、With best regards,致以最杰出的祝福,或许Warmest regards,最诚挚的问好,(有亲热感的结束敬语)
13、Very truly yours,非常真挚地归于你,或许Respectfully,恭顺地,(比照正式的结束敬语)