通过这个分析,我们可以看出,该文重复率较高的词汇有:pumas、mountain lions、isolation、decline、genetic diversity。所以,读者几乎无需仔细阅读文章,就可以总结出文章的主旨:因为isolation,导致mountain lions在genetic diversity上下降。
英语启蒙慢速儿歌歌词及翻译,第就我个人而言,我现在给我儿子的亲子阅读材料有三部分:网课教材绘本经典原版绘本(语言简单的)分级读物(海尼曼gkraz aa而且我们现在进行亲子阅读的时候,主要是我读给他听,有的时候他也会和我一起跟读,读的过程当中我会问他一些问题,增加口语的交流,读完之后,他感兴趣的内容会进行角色扮演或者手工活动。对于他已经读过的读物,有的时候我会通过手机app的形式给他再放音频,高兴的时候他自己也会用app来录音。刚开始的时候一次也就读一本,现在,兴致来了一下子能读十几本,甚至20几本。重要的一点,就是不管孩子一次读几本,你要记得一定要找时间,多重复,只要重复的遍数够多,孩子自然能够输出。今天中午吃午饭的时候,我儿子和我说爷爷的手机上有“会说话的汤姆猫”,接着自己就说起了英语“Tom can run Tom can play” 这几句就是海尼曼gk里的原句,其实Tom这本书我也就领着他看了四五遍吧,剩下的遍数基本上都是他自己用app放的录音。所以,多重复,切记切记。
英语慢速儿歌歌词整理,6 “So we know that this is happening on a recent time scale” and is a likely result of human development rather than natural separation from other mountain lions
英语启蒙儿歌40首歌词,简单释义:1中的the most extraordinary building和11中的one of the most famous buildings。
早教英语儿歌慢歌,复杂词汇重复(Complex lexical repetition):如1中的isolated和4中的isolation。
英语慢速启蒙儿歌歌词1Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteenth century was the Crystal Palace which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851 2TheCrystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world for it was made of iron and glass 3It was one of the biggest buildings of all time and a lot of people from many countries came to see it 4A great many goods were sent to the exhibition from various parts of the world 5There was also a great deal of machinery on display 6The most wonderful piece of machinery on show was Nasmyths steam hammer 7Though in those days traveling was not as easy as it is today steam boats carried thousands of visitors across the Channel from Europe 8On arriving in England they were taken to the Crystal Palace by train 9There were six million visitors in all and the profits from the exhibition were used to build museums and colleges 10Later the Crystal Palace was moved to South London 11It remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936
英语启蒙慢速儿歌视频_flv_143首_中英双字幕 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/thread-19380-1-1.html