If you were to say to the grown-ups: "I saw a beautiful house made of rosy brick, with geraniums in the windows and doves on the roof," they would not be able to get any idea of that house at all. You would have to say to them: "I saw a house that cost $20,00" Then they would exclaim: "Oh, what a pretty house that is!"
[少儿资源]小学生英语桥梁书《One Story A Day》全套原版音频MP3(共12本) 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/thread-16641-1-1.html
英语初级章节书推荐赖世雄《赖氏经典英语语法》 赖教授是从1992年开始在中央人民广播电台主持英语教学广播,长达十余年,2003年10月31日《中国图书商报》评选“英语学习的风云人物”,赖世雄老师被评为中国十大名师之一。
Jonas felt a ripping sensation inside himself, the feeling of terrible pain clawing its way forward to emerge in a cry.
Although it seemed to have little to do with the book, I still felt outraged to see such a man who was successful and prestigous back home became a worker at the gas station.
美国作家R. J.帕拉秋创作的一部关于“勇敢”的少年小说,描绘了一个充满泪水、爱与希望的生命旅程,述说一个平凡的男孩如何接纳自己、勇敢长大的不凡故事。
After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.
[少儿资源]小学生英语桥梁书《One Story A Day》全套原版音频MP3(共12本) 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/thread-16641-1-1.html