今天分享的是《ScienceA-Z 科学RAZ》绘本,ScienceA-Z科学RAZ,也叫SAZ,全部14个主题,每个主题分低中高三个级别,四大主题,分别是Life, Earth, Physical, Process。细分总共有14 个主题,是齐全的压缩文件。
每个级别里面分low middle 还有high三个级别。配套有词汇英英释义卡、单元测试、科普拓展内容等。
Science A-Z is an award-winning curriculum resource that blends science and literacy into one captivating K-6 curriculum. The product delivers thousands of resources in Life Science, Earth and Space Science, Physical Science, Engineering, and Process Science. In addition to a robust library of multilevel informational texts, Science A-Z also delivers engaging science experiments, hands-on activities, and other collaborative learning opportunities that allow students to think and act like scientists.
Customize and differentiate instruction with multilevel materials in English and Spanish that help satisfy both science and ELA curriculum standards.
Put broad science concepts and core ideas into context with high-interest reading materials and hands-on science experiments.
Easily access background information, answer keys, and cross-curricular extension ideas to continue learning.
Expand students’ understanding of science content, current events, and STEM fields with interactive eResources and additional learning opportunities.