一、雅思口语Part1素材Part 1会问3个话题,每个话题包含3-5个问题,一次总计会问到十个问题左右。Part1的问题在回答时记住一个原则就好:简洁明了。因为这部分主要考察我们的反应速度和流利度,对语法和逻辑的要求并不高。下面给大家举个例子:
What kinds of exercises do you do?
Nowadays, I only go jogging in the morning on weekends and exercise the swan arm during the breaks on weekdays.
1.Are there any special colours in China?(家乡)
Well, the first colour that pops into my head is green. You know, in China, if you say a man is wearing a green hat, it means that his wife or girlfriend is cheating on him...
2.Do you work or are you a student?(职业)
Oh, I've been working at the moment. In fact , I've been working for five years since I graduated from university.
3.what is your favorite kind of music?(音乐)
I am a big fan of pop music, especially from American bands and singers. These songs are up-to-date, innovative and inspiring.
4.How important is the internet to you?(网络)
Extremely important. I depend on it for work, research, study and entertainment, so without it I'd be completely lost.
5. How many hours do you sleep every day?(生活习惯)
I sleep 8 hours every day. I have an early-to-bed, early-to-rise routine, so I normally go to bed at 10 o'clock and get up at 6 in the morning.
1.Describe a library that you know(图书馆)
You should say: where it is; when you went there; what books and facilities this library has; and explain what you like or dislike about this library.
2.Describe a song that you remember from your childhood.(儿歌)
You should say: when and where you learned it; how you learned this song;what the song is about; and explain how you felt when you used to sing this song.