

Hi, everyone! My name is Emily, and I am currently a college student majoring in English literature. Today, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce myself in English and share a little bit about my journey as a university student.

First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for being here today. Being a college student has been a dream of mine since I was in high school. The opportunity to pursue higher education has always been a driving force in my life. I believe that education is the key to personal and societal development, and being a university student allows me to embark on this exciting journey of knowledge and growth.

During my time in college, I have been actively involved in various extracurricular activities. I have joined the English Club, where I have had the chance to enhance my language skills and engage in fascinating discussions about literature and culture. Additionally, I have also participated in volunteering programs, such as the English-teaching initiative for underprivileged children. These experiences have not only enriched my university life but also helped me develop strong leadership and communication skills.

Moreover, I have had the privilege of studying abroad as part of my academic program. This invaluable experience broadened my horizons and deepened my understanding of different cultures. It was during my time in the United States that I had the opportunity to improve my English proficiency and immerse myself in a diverse and multicultural environment. It was a life-changing experience that has shaped me into the person I am today.

In terms of my future career goals, I am determined to become a professional translator and help bridge the gap between different languages and cultures. I have always been fascinated by the power of language in connecting people from different backgrounds, and I believe that being a translator will allow me to make a positive impact in the world.

In conclusion, being a college student has been an incredible journey for me. Through my studies, extracurricular activities, volunteering, and studying abroad, I have grown both academically and personally. I am grateful for the experiences and opportunities that university life has provided me with, and I am e

xcited to continue my pursuit of knowledge and personal development. Thank you all for listening to my one-minute self-introduction.






  • 小乔ying院
    小乔ying院(2023-08-26 13:01:09)
    英语是朋友推荐的,带孩子试听了一节免费课,课堂上讲的孩子都记住了,外教老师教课很灵活,孩子也很配合,和老师一起互动,课堂上讲的孩子都记住了,能这么让孩子积极主动的配合,和之前学习过的培训班不一样,毕竟我们接受的教育和外教是不一样的,这种教学方式让孩子很轻松,孩子也就愿意学了,只要孩子能学到真正的东西是值得的,学习了将近7个月 了,孩子单词量多了,发音较纯正了,口语提升的很快。
  • 犯众楚公
    犯众楚公(2023-08-26 13:20:46)
  • 难合衬i
    难合衬i(2023-08-26 13:23:13)
  • 骨而过
    骨而过(2023-08-26 13:27:11)
  • 你若成风
    你若成风(2023-08-26 13:29:09)
    2. 与大学英语四级考试一样,大学英语六考试真题是最有价值和最重要的复习材料,精读真题文章非常有必要,首先逐句理解文章中的生词,然后逐句分析语法,长难句更是重中之重,需要认真的分析。
  • 执子之手
    执子之手(2023-08-26 13:36:07)
  • 敏感小萝莉
    敏感小萝莉(2023-08-26 13:52:13)
  • chijimu886
    chijimu886(2023-08-26 14:02:10)
  • ji...o@163.com
    ji...o@163.com(2023-08-26 14:04:27)