●今日习语 – Idiom Today
The Elephant in the Room
●词源典故 Etymology and Origin
where we might be. Might there be a vaccine? How interesting can a book actually be when everyone is sitting in their sitting room in their pajamas?”
●例句和翻译 Examples and Translation
of dinner.
2.Financing schools has become a problem about equal to having an elephant in the living room. It's so big you just can't ignore it.
3.His alcoholism was the elephant in the room. Everyone knew he had a drinking problem but no one said anything.
●延伸 See Also …
1.Gorilla in the room,Elephant in the corner 和elephant in the room 有相同意思。
Everyone at work thought Dave was responsible for the mess in the bathroom. However, he addressed the gorilla in the room by explaining to everyone that he had nothing to do with it.
2.Seeing a pink elephant,来历于我们喝醉酒后看到的幻觉,标明看到幻觉。
Even when black holes crashed together and merged, the singularities—or pink elephants—would remain hidden by their event horizons, preventing their existence from throwing the outer cosmos into chaos.(Daniel Garisto, Scientific American)
3.Stick out like a sore thumb,标明作业像一只酸痛的大拇指相同清楚明晰。
Everyone else was in jeans and T-shirts and I had my office clothes on, I stuck out like a sore thumb.
●操练 Exercise
1. Politicians are focusing on the wrong issue and ignoring the elephant in the room.
2. It was the elephant in the room for a long time until Tamara finally said something about it.回来搜狐,查看更多