Section1 并没有呈现最常见的 10 个信息表填空题,而是呈现了选择,配对和填空的混合题型;阿卡索真题中section1 呈现选择题的几率对照少,建议考生多备考时适当练习section1 选择题,避免考场上因为不熟悉题型而丢分;
Section2 难度不大,需要注意问及国籍时应填形容词形式;
Section3 和 Section4 是常考题型,建议考生平时做完练习要多总结答案的同义替换和错题原因。
Section 1
话题分类 对话,单选 3 题,配对 3 题,填空 4 题
内容概述 音乐老师与家长的对话,询问选课意向
题目回忆 1-3 multiple choices
1. What is the drama teachers comment about Emma?
A. She does the best in her class
B. She is a good example for younger kids
C. She settled in quickly
2. Why the drama lesson of next term has to change time?
A. Because the enrollment rate has fallen
B. Because of the size of the classroom
C. Because of the availability of music room
3. What is the new time for drama lesson?
A. 3.15pm B. 4.15pm C. 4.45pm
4-6 Matching
Choose the reasons why Emma cannot take the lesson?
A. The course is full
B. The course fee is too expensive
C. She has another activity at that time
D. She has another activity at that evening
E. The class is too late
4. dance class D (I have to put you in the waiting list)
5. singing class E (Emma has drama class on Friday evenings, it is too late)
6. vocal class B (老师说 Emma 唱歌好,但是家长认为太贵)
7-10 填空
7. Teach children to play instruments and to write music
8. Course fee: $85
9. Emma can start at: 14 September (干扰项 7 September, 老师说这是该课程开始时间,但是家长说 Emma 有特殊环境,多以只能在 14 September 开始)
10. Teacher: Jamal Curtis
参考听力 C11T3S1, C8T1S1