中文解释:衙门,旧时称官署为衙门,古时也常用来象征武力。英文解释:A yamen was the administrative office and/or residence of a local bureaucrat or mandarin in imperial China. Ayamen can also be any governmental office or body headed by a mandarin, at any level of government: the offices of one the Six Ministries is a yamen, but so is a prefectural magistracy. The term has been widely used in China for centuries, but appeared in English during the Qing dynasty. 2、罗盘: Luopan 中文解释:罗盘,是用于风水探测的工具,理气宗派常用的操作工具。罗盘主要由位于盘中央的磁针和一系列同心圆圈组成,每一个圆圈都代表着中国古人对于宇宙大系统中某一个层次信息的理解。英文解释:Luopan is a Chinese magnetic compass, also known as a Feng Shui compass. It is used by a Feng Shui consultant to determine the precise direction of a structure or other item. Since the invention of the compass for use in Feng Shui,traditional feng shui has required its use. 3、牌楼:Pailou 中文解释:牌楼也叫牌坊,汉族传统建筑之一。最早见于周朝,最初用于旌表节孝的纪念物,后来在园林、寺观、宫苑、陵墓和街道均有建造,北京是中国牌楼最多的城市。英文解释:Paifang, a traditional Chinese architectural form like an archway. The word paifang was originally a collective term for the top two levels of administrative division and subdivisions of ancient Chinese cities. The largest division within a city in ancient China was a fang (Chinese: 坊), equivalent to a current day precinct. 4、豆腐:Tofu 中文解释:豆腐是一种以黄豆为主要原料的食物,起源于中国,在越南、日本和朝鲜半岛也很普遍。豆腐是我国炼丹家、淮南王刘安发明的绿色健康食品。时至今日,已有二千一百多年的历史,深受我国人民、周边各国、及世界人民的喜爱。英文解释:Tofu, also known as bean curd, is a food made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into soft white blocks. Tofu has a subtle flavor and can be used in savory and sweet dishes. Tofu originated in Han dynasty China some 2,000 years ago. Chinese legend ascribes its invention to prince Liu An (179–122 BC). 5、功夫:Kung Fu 中文解释:中国功夫也称中国武术,是以技击为主要内容,以套路和搏斗为运动形式,注重内外兼修的中国传统体育项目,是中国人民长期积累起来的一宗宝贵文化遗产。英文解释:Chinese martial arts, which are called kung fu or gung fu (/ˈkʊŋ ˈfuː/) (Chinese: 功夫) and wushu (武術), are a number of fighting styles that have developed over the centuries in China. These fighting styles are often classified according to common traits, identified as "families" (家; jiā), "sects" (派; pài) or "schools" (門; mén) of martial arts. 6、