《亨利和马奇 Henry and Mudge》系列是Cynthia Rylant创作、Sucie Stevenson配插画的一系列初级桥梁书,简称H&M系列。
今天说的这本书的名称是《Henry and Mudge》(《亨利和马奇》)。《亨利和玛奇》来自国际顶级十大童书出版商之一的西蒙&舒斯特童书出版公司(Cynthia Rylant著,Sucie Stevenson绘,安慎译,国内由大连理工大学出版社出版),作者辛西娅·赖蓝特(Cynthia Rylant)是美国著名童书作家和插画家,作品数度荣获纽伯瑞大奖和凯迪克奖,她在西弗吉尼亚州的小乡村长大,身边总有猎狗和小猫,成年后自己也抚育了一个男孩还养了几条狗,由此产生了撰写《亨利和玛奇》系列故事的灵感。
近年来,“全语言”教学和文学阅读在全美小学风行,西蒙&舒斯特出版社的Ready to Read系列为老师们提供了这样的阅读素材。难度正适合刚刚开始独立阅读的孩子(5-7岁),而书上的分级阅读标志,也能让家长和老师们更轻松地为每个孩子都找到适合他们阅读能力的读物。
《亨利和马奇》是Ready to Read中的经典系列,属于第二阶,讲述了小男孩亨利和自家驯养的古兰大狗玛奇之间温馨有趣的小故事。在与玛奇相伴共处的生活点滴中,小亨利渐渐学会生活中的爱、忠诚,以及生命的意义。故事很温馨,简单常用的高频词,以及简短的造句,让孩子读起来朗朗上口,简单易懂。本套丛书以中英双语的形式呈现,衷心希望小读者们能在故事中享受英语阅读的乐趣,爱上英文阅读。
亨利和马奇 Henry and Mudge 系列书目列表:
01 Henry and Mudge The First Book
02 Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble (1987)
03 Henry and Mudge in the Green Time (1987)
04 Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon (1987)
05 Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days (1988)
06 Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea
07 Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers (1989)
08 Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat (1990)
09 Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps (1991)
10 Hanry and Mudge Take the Big Test (1991)
11 Henry and Mudge and the Long Weekend (1992)
12 Henry and Mudge and the Wild Wind (1993)
13 Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin (1994)
14 Henry and Mudge and the Best Day of All (1995)
15 Henry and Mudge in the Family Trees (September 1998)
16 Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Crackers
17 Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night
18 Henry and Mudge and Annie's Good Move (January 2000)
19 Henry and Mudge and the Snowman Plan (October 2000)
20 Henry and Mudge and Annie's Perfect Pet (February 2001)
21 Henry and Mudge and the Tall Tree House (2002)
22 Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's House (February 2003)
23 Henry and Mudge and the Wild Goose Chase (October 2003)
24 Henry and Mudge and The Funny Lunch (March 2004)
25 Henry and Mudge and a Very Merry Christmas (October 2004)
26 Henry and Mudge and the Great Grandpas (April 2005)
27 Henry and Mudge and the Tumbling Trip (October 2005)
28 Henry and Mudge and the Big Sleepover (May 2007)