Hi,这里是vipjr青少儿英语倾情打造的全新脱口秀栏目:【趣学英语· English Fun】第3期!
本期【趣学英语 · English Fun】请到Chloe和Faye两位颜值超高的 little globetrotters(世界观光旅行家)。别看她们年纪小小,却俨然是旅行小达人了,2分钟,4套各国风情outfits,带你走遍世界、玩转地球~
Are you ready for take-off? Bon voyage!
This is the United States of America(美国), or U.S.A., or even, the States as some people like to call it.
... this is Canada(加拿大) to the north of the U.S., and Mexico(墨西哥) to the south of it.
This is the United Kingdom(英国) or simply the U.K.
... here's England(兰), and that's Wales(威尔士), Scotland(苏格兰)and Northern Ireland(北爱尔兰).
I think about the yummy hamburgers(汉堡包) and French fries(薯条). I also love doughnuts(甜甜圈) and coffee(咖啡)!
Canada is famous for its maple syrup(枫糖浆), and Mexico is famous for its tacos(玉米饼) and burritos(墨西哥卷)!
... the English love their fish and chips(炸鱼薯条)!