本期推荐 : 《说好不哭》英文版
没有了联络 后来的生活 我都是听别人说 说你怎么了 说你怎么过 We lost contact, but I’ve heard so much about you,about how you have been.
放不下的人是我 人多的时候 就待在角落 就怕别人问起我 你们怎么了 I am the one who couldn't let go, I tried to stay away from the crowd, I was afraid they would ask what had happened between us.
你低着头 护着我连抱怨都没有 You bowed your head,silently stood by my side and didn't complain.
电话开始躲 从不对我说 不习惯一个人
生活 离开我以后 要我好好过 怕打扰想自由的我 Then you started to ignore my calls,never mentioning that how hard it is to live alone. You decided to leave so that I can move onand live the way I want .都这个时候 你还在意着 别人是怎么怎么看我的拼命解释着 不是我的错 是你要走 Even in this situation, you still care about how they think of me,trying to explain that it was not my fault, you were the one who wanted to go.
眼看着你难过 挽留的话却没有说 你会微笑放手 说好不哭让我走 I left you sadly alone without even trying to get you back . You said you will let go and won‘t cry.
你什么都没有 却还为我的梦加油 心疼过了多久 还在找理由等我 Though you have nothing , you are still there to support my dreams.After such a long time , you are still there waiting for me.