bizzy bear 小达人点读包自制 城堡小骑士 knight's castle
这是我们第一本bizzy bear ,非常非常喜欢,但是没有点读包,我自己找了很多相应的音效,包括脚步声,挥剑声音,打开头盔的声音,吹笛子,集市,庆祝声欢呼声,还有大马奔驰的声音,可以自己贴在相应的地方让书更加生动,希望同样喜欢bizzy bear的宝宝可以喜欢。分享给大家。
bizzy bear
With chunky sliders to push and pull, this robust little board book is perfect for active toddlers. Rich in visual detail and with touches of humor, it is sure to become a classic in the family libraryBizzy Bear's going on vacation, but he has to take a taxi, then a train, then a plane before he arrives at the beach and can set sail on his boat.