DK100 first系列picture dictionary: words, things to know, animals, things that go, 缺dinosaur

此系列中的图书(共计 5 本图书)
隐藏您在 Kindle 图书馆中的电子书

100 First Words(2017-3-1)
来自 DK (Author)
星级评价:4.8 星,共 5 星 (56)
With lots to talk about, learn about, and smile about on every page, 100 First Words is a picture book for babies and toddlers that builds vocabulary, and is perfect for sharing.
100 First Words covers all the familiar things little ones are interested in, from my body and my food, to animals, things that go, and bedtime. Crystal-clear photos show the wonder of the real world, while engaging illustrations tell simple stories that foster learning, from penguins playing in the snow and ice, to a mouse climbing a ladder to reach the height of a very tall giraffe!
Word labels encourage pointing, naming, and talking while building vocabulary and language. Cleverly designed to inform and entertain, 100 First Words is the start of your baby's learning adventure - the world is amazing, beautiful, fascinating, and fun!


: 纸板书


100 First Animals(2018-3-1)
来自 DK (Author)
星级评价:4.9 星,共 5 星 (53)
The ideal first animal picture ebook for babies and toddlers. Build little ones' vocabulary with 100 important animals, all with bold photographs and beautiful illustrations.

Bright and colourful themed pages cover pets, farm animals, big beasts, cute baby animals, and animal colours and patterns. 100 First Animals is a large board ebook with a padded cover and makes an ideal first gift for babies.

Crystal-clear photos show the wonder of the animal world, while engaging illustrations tell simple stories that stimulate talking, from a swan with her cygnets to a fish being chased by a smiley shark! Word labels encourage pointing, naming, and picture-and-word association. Cleverly designed to inform and entertain, 100 First Animals makes learning an exciting adventure for your baby.


: 纸板书


100 First Things That Go(2019-2-12)
来自 DK (Author)
星级评价:4.7 星,共 5 星 (68)
Babies and toddlers can build vocabulary and learn first words with 100 First Things That Go, the perfect baby book for little ones who love cars, trucks, planes, boats, tractors, and diggers.

Favorite vehicles are clearly labeled on every page, and the exciting photos combined with fun illustrations provide lots to talk about, learn about, and smile about. This colorful picture book is an attractive baby gift.

This "First" book covers everything from cool cars, terrific trucks, and awesome fire engines, to vehicle colors and kids' own bikes and ride-on toys. There are even some entertaining make-believe things that go, such as a fantastic pirate ship and a magic broomstick.

Word labels encourage naming and picture-and-word association, building language and reading readiness, while the inviting, look-and-point pictures stimulate talking. Cleverly designed to inform and entertain, 100 First Things That Go takes your baby on an exciting learning adventure.


: 纸板书


100 First Dinosaur Words(2019-10-8)
来自 DK (Author)
星级评价:4.8 星,共 5 星 (304)
Help kids learn about their favorite dinosaurs and build their vocabulary skills with this fun-filled book

Meet Tyrannosaurus rex, Giganotosaurus, Triceratops, and more! Amazing dinosaurs are clearly labeled, with helpful pronunciation guides for their names. The lifelike digital dinosaurs images are combined with fun illustrations, providing lots to learn about. This colorful dinosaur book is great for sharing, and an attractive baby, toddler, or preschool gift. Part of a beautiful picture book series which includes the award-winning 100 First Words, the book covers everything from the biggest and smallest dinosaurs, meat eaters and plant eaters, and armored dinosaurs to flying pterosaurs, dinosaur eggs, and incredible skeletons. Little ones will be captivated by the delightful illustrations, from a baby dinosaur hatching to enormous Diplodocus eating the top of a very tall tree! Word labels encourage naming and picture-and-word association, building language and reading readiness, while the inviting, look-and-point pictures stimulate talking. Cleverly designed to inform and entertain, 100 First Dinosaur Words takes your little one on an exciting learning adventure.


: 纸板书


100 First Things to Know(2020-2-4)
来自 DK (Author)
星级评价:4.5 星,共 5 星 (33)
100 carefully curated, useful things that will stimulate your baby or toddler's natural curiosity about the world around them...

Help your little one learn important vocabulary and build knowledge with this first word and picture book. Cleverly designed to inform and entertain, 100 First Things to Know takes your little one on an exciting learning adventure. As they point to the pictures and say the words, children can soon recognize colors, shapes, and patterns, count to 10, learn about life cycles, and name weathers and seasons. They will also be introduced to words from the worlds of art, music, math, and science.

Part of an award-winning first word book series that mixes engaging, real-life photos with entertaining illustrations, 100 First Things to Know has big, colorful, toddler-tough pages showing lots of things to talk about, learn about, and smile about! The clear word labels encourage naming and picture-and-word association, building language and reading readiness, and every page is a visual treat, making this beautiful look-and-point board book an attractive baby, toddler, or preschool gift.


: 纸板书





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    在英语听力和交流上有很多不足的地方,所以需要更多的机会去练习然后弥补自己的缺点。学习一门语言不容易,选择喜欢的老师随时随地,轻松快捷学英语 量身定制 采用先进的训练教材,建立学习档案,定期测评,第二,老师讲解都很幽默,而且口语很纯正,每次讲课的时候我都听得津津有味,而且这里还有很多的外教,可以让你了解到外国的很多文化风俗。人比较随和,而且每次还会给我布置作业,她们也会点评,挺尽责的,这点我还是很满意的,希望我可以顺利通过6级考试,
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