分享的是Kids Vs Phonics自然拼读学习动画教学视频28个。学习字母发音,字母组合发音,有动画,儿歌,让学习自然拼读更简单。
Reading is the single most important tool for an early learner. The quicker children learn to read, the faster they will accelerate in all areas of education. Reading is that important.
Your child will learn fast with KidsVsPhonics for the following reasons:
1. Your child can easily follow the gradual introduction of sound-spelling patterns, the building blocks of reading. These are introduced in carefully selected groups.
Each group makes up a level, and each level only includes sound-spelling patterns from that level or already introduced levels.
e.g. Level 1 includes only Level 1 patterns (a, d, s, t, etc.)
Level 2 includes Level 2 and Level 1 patterns.
Your child will be able to follow along the entire way.
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2020-6-19 09:37
2020-6-19 09:37
2020-6-19 09:37