DK系列 Make Lab outdoors
当我还是个孩子的时候,我很好奇事物的运作方式和组成。 我问自己一些问题,例如:“糖为什么倒入水中会消失?” “空气是由什么制成的?” 而且,“为什么玻璃透明?” 我也问过我的父母和老师这类问题。
我希望本书能回答您可能遇到的一些问题,并且也会使您更加好奇。 它包含许多有趣的科学活动,并使用您应该可以在家中找到或容易掌握的东西。 它们非常适合在室外新鲜空气中进行实验。
When I was a kid, I was very curious about how things worked and what things are made of. I asked myself questions like, "Why does sugar disappear when you put it in water?" "What is the air made of?" And, "Why is glass transparent?" I asked my parents and teachers those kinds of questions, too.
I’m hoping that this book will answer some questions you might have—and make you more curious, too. It's packed with lots of fun science activities and uses things you should be able to find at home or easily get hold of. They're perfectly suited to experimenting outside, in the fresh air.