[3-8岁]大卫威廉姆斯的世界 The World of David Walliams 有声童书合集6册 (MP3格式)/ 百度网盘

大卫·威廉姆斯 David Walliams 是英国著名喜剧演员、童书作家,代表作品有BBC电视连续剧《小不列颠》系列,已经诸多经典儿童图书。

1. 了不起的大盗奶奶 Gangsta Granny


A story of prejudice and acceptance, funny lists and silly words, this new book has all the hallmarks of David's previous bestsellers. Our hero Ben is bored beyond belief after he is made to stay at his grandma's house. She's the boringest grandma ever: all she wants to do is to play Scrabble, and eat cabbage soup. But there are two things Ben doesn't know about his grandma.

2. 讨人厌先生 Mr Stink


"Mr Stink stank. He also stunk. And if it was correct English to say he stinked, then he stinked as well!" It all starts when Chloe makes friends with Mr Stink, the local tramp. Yes, he smells a bit. But when it looks like he might be driven out of town, Chloe decides to hide him in the garden shed. Now Chloe's got to make sure no one finds out her secret. And speaking of secrets, there just might be more to Mr Stink than meets the eye! or the nose.

3. 亿万男孩 Billionaire Boy


A hilarious, touching and extraordinary new fable from the author of The Boy in the Dress and Mr Stink. Joe has a lot of reasons to be happy. About a billion of them, in fact. You see, Joe's rich. Really, really rich. Joe's got his own bowling alley, his own cinema, even his own butler who is also an orangutan. He's the wealthiest twelve-year-old in the land. But Joe isn't happy. Why not? Because he's got a billion pounds! and not a single friend. But then someone comes along, someone who likes Joe for Joe, not for his money. The problem is, Joe's about to learn that when money is involved, nothing is what it seems. The best things in life are free, they say -- and if Joe's not careful, he's going to lose them all!

4. Ratburger


The story follows a young girl called Zoe, whose mother died when she was a baby. Now she lives in a council flat with her Dad and lazy stepmother, Sheila. Zoe has a lot of things to be unhappy about, including the school bully Tina Trotts, her dead hamster Gingernut and the dastardly Burger Man Burt.

5. 穿裙子的男孩 Boy in the Dress


Dennis was different. Why was he different, you ask? Well, a small clue might be in the title of this book! Charming, surprising and hilarious -- The Boy in the Dress is everything you would expect from the co-creator of Little Britain. David Walliams's beautiful first novel will touch the hearts (and funny bones) of children and adults alike.

6. 怪兽牙医 Demon Dentist


Something strange is happening in Alfie's town. Instead of shiny coins from the tooth fairy, kids are waking up to dead slugs, live spiders, and other icky, terrible things under their pillows. Who would do something so horrific? Alfie is sure that Miss Root, the new dentist in town, is behind it all. There's nothing Alfie hates more than going to the dentist, but to solve this mystery, he may have to book a dreaded appointment...

大卫威廉姆斯的世界 The World of David Walliams 有声童书合集6册





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