[3-8岁]Jigsaw Jones Mysteries 小侦探琼斯 Epub电子书9本
在 Jigsaw Jones Mysteries 小侦探琼斯 故事中不仅有小朋友们喜爱的破案情节,还穿插了不同形式的密码书写方式介绍,更为可贵的是作者非常用心地在情节中提及了很多其他作者的好书,强烈推荐给小朋友们阅读。
好不容易才找到了下面这9本电子书, epub格式的目录
JigsawJones Mysteries
14#the case of the bicycle bandit
15#the case of the haunted scarecrow
16#the case of the sneaker sneak
17#the case of the disappearing dinosaur
18#the case of the bear scare
19#the case of the golden key
22#the case of the best pet ever
24#the case of the glow-in-the-dark ghost
25#the case of the vanishing painting