小猪梅西Mercy Watson系列讲的是一头宠物猪梅西Mercy Watson的故事。小猪梅西Mercy Watson是一头时时刻刻都想着吃的宠物猪,猪这一吃的天性被他发挥得简直淋漓尽致啊。只要想到吃了,不管是白天,还是黑夜,是在家里,还是在外面车里,小猪梅西Mercy Watson会立马凭天性去找吃的。小猪梅西Mercy Watson去找吃的时候,一路被幽默跟着,有时候是弄得鸡飞蛋打,有时候是步步惊心,不过呢,最后都是圆满结局啦,咱这头馋嘴的宠物猪Mercy Watson总能名正言顺得到他心仪的美食哈。
Oh, Mercy! Pig out on the first six adventures in the New York Times best-selling series, all tucked together in one enticing box--the perfect gift!
Foiling a robber, driving a car, squeezing into a tutu--is there anything the porcine wonder won't do in her single-minded pursuit of treats, buttered toast, or just a rollicking fun time? And who knows what other adventures twinkle in her mischievous eyes? Here, for Mercy Watson's loyal fans and new friends, comes a big fat paperback collection of pig tales that will have readers squealing with delight.
小猪梅西Mercy Watson系列的目录:
Mercy Watson 01 Mercy Watson to the Rescue[PDF+MP3]
Mercy Watson 02 Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride[PDF+MP3]
Mercy Watson 03 Mercy Watson Fights Crime[PDF+MP3]
Mercy Watson 04 Mercy Watson Princess in disguise[PDF+MP3]
Mercy Watson 05 Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig[PDF+MP3]
Mercy Watson 06 Mercy Watson Something Wonky This Way Comes[PDF+MP3]