《The Power of Five》又名《Gatekeepers》作者Anthony Horowitz,五部全,只有mobi格式,是一套中年级可以看的书。
ThePower of Five (alsoknown as TheGatekeepers inthe US) is a series of fantasy and suspense novels, written by Britishauthor Anthony Horowitz. Asof 2012, all the novels have been completed (although Anthony Horowitz statedon Twitter that he was having to rewrite Book Five, Oblivion, dueto a suggestion from his agent). The fifth novel, Oblivion, hasbeen released in the UK on October 4th, 2012. He also stated that he has beenresearching global warming for the last book in the Power of Five series.[1] The series is published inthe UK by Walker Books Ltd and in the US by Scholastic Press. Thenovels deal heavily in the occult and examples of things such as humansacrifice and blood rituals are major plot elements, such as in the first book,where the protagonist, Matt, is hunted by a Satanic cult who want to conduct ablood sacrifice on him to blast open a portal using a combination of nuclearphysics and black magic, to unlock another dimension which is holding a groupof ancient evil demons captive.
The series focuses on fivechildren: Matthew Freeman, Pedro, Scott Tyler, Jamie Tyler,and Scarlett Adams, agroup of fourteen-year-old children (all five children turn fifteen in Necropolis) whoare destined to defeat mystical entities known only as the Old Ones whoruled for a long period of time ten thousand years ago. Matt is the appointedleader. The Gatekeepers won in the past through allowing Sapling, the thirdGatekeeper, to sacrifice himself, and upon Sapling's death, his futureincarnation, Jamie Tyler, was sent into the past to reunite all the Gatekeepersand repair their strength to defeat the Old Ones. The Gatekeepers also wonbecause the Old Ones do not understand Scarlett Adams' powers. In the presentday the Gatekeepers have been reincarnated as modern day teenagers because theOld Ones are about to escape the world they were sent to and rule over humanitya second time. The books focus on the modern day children trying to defeat theOld Ones again.