In a few years this little girl will be a woman who will make small demands on life who will never burden others who will never let on that she too has had sorrows disappointments dreams that have been ridiculed
[少儿资源]《The human body》英语科普读物—— 云盘免费下载 下载地址:
英语科普读物在线阅读A woman who will be like a rock in a riverbed enduring without complaint her grace not sullied but shaped by the turbulence that washes over her
科普读物英文,After all to the wellorganized mind death is but the next great adventure
英文科普阅读材料,孩子的第一套英语分级读物是大名鼎鼎的《牛津阅读树》系列,(Oxford Reading Tree),是英国牛津大学出版社组织多位儿童阅读教育专家经过二十多年不断研究及发展而出版的阅读教材。牛津树的整个系列非常庞大,我们在看主干故事,围绕Biff、Chip、kipper一家发生的各种故事,孩子很喜欢,这次来海边玩,我也带了几本Biff、Chip、kipper在海边玩的小故事书来,白天玩耍,晚上看书,印象深刻。另外,我们家分级读物还有《海尼曼》和《RAZ》两个系列,作为牛津树的补充阅读。
科普类英语阅读理解,To have been loved so deeply even though the person who loved us is gone will give us some protection forever
英国幼儿科普读物,美国作家R J帕拉秋创作的一部关于“勇敢”的少年小说,描绘了一个充满泪水、爱与希望的生命旅程,述说一个平凡的男孩如何接纳自己、勇敢长大的不凡故事。
英语科普短文,In a few years this little girl will be a woman who will make small demands on life who will never burden others who will never let on that she too has had sorrows disappointments dreams that have been ridiculed
The House on Mango Street(870L)芒果街上的小屋 《芒果街上的小屋》所记录的,是从女孩蜕变为女人的过程,是少女时代的最后一段光阴。作品的触角伸向生活的每个角落,妈妈,婶婶,一朵小云彩,一只小狗,一次小伤心,一点小悸动在少女澄澈的眼底,这些都打上了“家”和“回忆”的记号
1 When your stomach is empty and your mind is full its always hard to sleep
Mr Wonka Don’t forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he wanted
英语科普读物在线阅读A Thousand Splendid Suns(830L)灿烂千阳 悲伤像缺乏哀鸣和怒吼的河流。死没什么了不起,活着才是勇敢。
[少儿资源]《The human body》英语科普读物—— 云盘免费下载 下载地址: