Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby bear lived in the forest. "Ring," went the teltphone. "Come to my house for lunch," said Auntie Bear. 熊爸爸,熊妈妈和熊宝宝生活在森林里。“铃——”电话铃响了。“来我们家吃午饭吧!”熊姑妈说。 "Yes, we will come," said Mama Bear. She set out bowls of stew to cool for supper. Then, the Bears went to Auntie Bear's house. “好的,我们马上就去。”熊妈妈说。她摆出几碗炖肉等放凉了当晚饭吃。然后,熊一家人就出发去了熊姑妈家。 A little girl named Goldilocks lived in the village. She discovered the Bears' house and went inside without asking. She sat in a chair. "This chair is too hard!" she complained. 一个叫金发姑娘的小女孩住在这个村庄里。她发现了熊的房子,并没有经过允许就进入了房间。她坐在一把椅子上。“这把椅子太硬了!”她抱怨道。 The next chair was smaller, but too soft. The third chair was just right. She sat down with a flop, and the chair legs gave way. 旁边的椅子小一点儿,但太软了。第三把椅子刚刚好。她坐上椅子,椅子腿儿却断掉了。 Goldilocks saw the three bowls of stew. The big bowl was much too hot! "Maybe this bowl will be cooler," she said. 金发姑娘看到三碗炖肉。大碗里的太烫了。“或许这碗凉一些。”她说。 Goldilocks was right, but it was too cold. She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down. It was just right. 金发姑娘说对了,但那碗炖肉太凉了。她抓过第三碗炖肉狼吞虎咽地把它吃掉了。第三碗刚刚好。 Then with a yawn, she headed upstairs to the bedroom. Goldilocks tried the first bed, but it was too hard. The next was too soft. 金发姑娘打个哈欠,上楼来到了卧室。金发姑娘试了试第一张床,但是太硬了。旁边的床又太软了。 Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was lying in the third bed. 金发姑娘叹了一声气,躺在第三张床上睡着了。 When the Bears arrived home, Papa Bear shouted, "Somebody's been sitting on my chair!" Mama Bear cried, "Somebody's been sitting on my chair!" Then Baby Bear cried, "Somebody's been sitting on my chair and now it's all broken!" 当熊一家回到家,熊爸爸大喊:“有人坐过我的椅子!”熊妈妈大叫:“有人坐过我的椅子!”熊宝宝也大叫:“有人坐过我的椅子,还把我的椅子坐坏了!” In the kitchen, Papa Bear looked into his bowl of stew. He said, "Somebody's been eating my stew!" Mama Bear cried, "Somebody's been eating my stew!" Baby Bear cried, "Somebody's been eating my stew, and they ate it all up!" 在厨房里,熊爸爸看看他那碗炖肉,说:“有人吃了我的炖肉!”熊妈妈大叫:“有人吃了我的炖肉!”熊宝宝大叫:“有人吃了我的炖肉,还把我的吃光了!” The three bears growled as they climbed the bedroom stairs. Papa Bear growled, "Somebody's been sleeping in my bed!" 三只熊咆哮着来到卧室。熊爸爸咆哮道:“有人睡过我的床!” Mama Bear growled, "Somebody's been sleeping in my bed!" Baby Bear cried, "Somebody's been sleeping in my bed, and there she is!" 熊妈妈咆哮着:“有人睡过我的床!”熊宝宝大叫:“有人睡过我的床,她在这儿!” Goldilocks woke up and wanted to run away, but no one could move. They all froze in their tracks. 金发姑娘醒过来,想逃跑,但谁都动不了。 "Please, forgive me," Goldilocks cried. The Bears forgave her. Goldilocks quit sneaking into people's homes. “请原谅我。”金发姑娘苦着说。熊一家原谅了她。金发姑娘不再偷偷摸摸钻进人们的房子了。
[教材资源]人教版pep小学英语3-6年级 课件+教师备课+随堂测验下载地址:
人民教育出版社 英语魔兽争霸3 不死族英雄 英文名称缩写DK 中文名 死亡骑士 英文名 Death Knight 技能 死亡缠绕 邪恶光环 死亡契约 操纵死尸(终极魔法) 武器 霜之哀伤 种族 不死亡灵 身份 亡灵灵魂人物 类型 力量类型 他是不死族首发的英雄。个体攻击力不怎么样,但是带兵是非常狠的。不死族没有他的话对战起来,整体战斗力大大下降。 他是力量型的英雄,跑得奇快,回血也快,只要稍加保护,提升等级,就容易存活。 能与他PK的英雄有NE的DH,HUM的MK,和ORC的BM。 死亡骑士Dead knight曾经是善良的人类守护者,但他们被巫妖王用诡计诱惑他拿起霜之哀伤(剑名)而堕落,成为巫妖王的爪牙。巫妖王赐予这些曾经是英雄的死亡骑士神秘的力量和不死之身以换取他们的忠诚。虽然他们还保留着人性,但他们扭曲的灵魂却无时无刻不被巫妖王控制着。这些不死军团中最强大的将军手持刻有神秘符号的利刃,骑着笼罩在阴影中的战马。 在医用器械的专业术语中之于隐形眼镜 DK值(透氧系数)——氧气通过某种隐形眼镜材料的程度。D-弥散系数,K-溶解系数。DK值是材料的一个内在特性,与材料厚度无关
人民教育出版社英语八年级下册,其实我们记单词主要记的就是读音。只要读音记住了,意思早晚都能记住,因为意思是已知的东西,读音才是未知的东西。我就不信你不知道苹果是什么意思,我就不信你学了英语的apple才知道世界上还有一种叫苹果的东西。苹果是你大脑中已有的词汇。但apple却是你大脑中没有的。一切事情从无到有都是不容易的。这就是为什么老子说,道生一生二生三生万物。细胞的分裂过程也是一个变成两个,两个变成四个,四个外变成八个,然后十六个,三十二个,等等,但没有一个细胞,那就什么都变不出来。所以学外语先解决“一” 的问题。也就是先解决“有”的问题。有什么呢,有读音,因为语言都是以读音的形式在大脑中存在的。没有读音就什么都没有。所以说记单词主要记的就是读音。而且读音也是最难记的东西,靠一两次的听音和朗读根本记不住,只有通过长期的听音朗读练习才能记住。所以,要想记住单词的读音,一定要多听,多读。
人民教育出版社英语六年级下册,Peoples Education Presspublished by Peoples Education Press 由人民教育出版社出版
人民教育出版社英语三年级下册电子书,6There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the issueof 毫无疑问对问题应予以足够的重视
人民教育出版社英语八年级上册, Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby bear lived in the forest. "Ring," went the teltphone. "Come to my house for lunch," said Auntie Bear. 熊爸爸,熊妈妈和熊宝宝生活在森林里。“铃——”电话铃响了。“来我们家吃午饭吧!”熊姑妈说。 "Yes, we will come," said Mama Bear. She set out bowls of stew to cool for supper. Then, the Bears went to Auntie Bear's house. “好的,我们马上就去。”熊妈妈说。她摆出几碗炖肉等放凉了当晚饭吃。然后,熊一家人就出发去了熊姑妈家。 A little girl named Goldilocks lived in the village. She discovered the Bears' house and went inside without asking. She sat in a chair. "This chair is too hard!" she complained. 一个叫金发姑娘的小女孩住在这个村庄里。她发现了熊的房子,并没有经过允许就进入了房间。她坐在一把椅子上。“这把椅子太硬了!”她抱怨道。 The next chair was smaller, but too soft. The third chair was just right. She sat down with a flop, and the chair legs gave way. 旁边的椅子小一点儿,但太软了。第三把椅子刚刚好。她坐上椅子,椅子腿儿却断掉了。 Goldilocks saw the three bowls of stew. The big bowl was much too hot! "Maybe this bowl will be cooler," she said. 金发姑娘看到三碗炖肉。大碗里的太烫了。“或许这碗凉一些。”她说。 Goldilocks was right, but it was too cold. She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down. It was just right. 金发姑娘说对了,但那碗炖肉太凉了。她抓过第三碗炖肉狼吞虎咽地把它吃掉了。第三碗刚刚好。 Then with a yawn, she headed upstairs to the bedroom. Goldilocks tried the first bed, but it was too hard. The next was too soft. 金发姑娘打个哈欠,上楼来到了卧室。金发姑娘试了试第一张床,但是太硬了。旁边的床又太软了。 Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was lying in the third bed. 金发姑娘叹了一声气,躺在第三张床上睡着了。 When the Bears arrived home, Papa Bear shouted, "Somebody's been sitting on my chair!" Mama Bear cried, "Somebody's been sitting on my chair!" Then Baby Bear cried, "Somebody's been sitting on my chair and now it's all broken!" 当熊一家回到家,熊爸爸大喊:“有人坐过我的椅子!”熊妈妈大叫:“有人坐过我的椅子!”熊宝宝也大叫:“有人坐过我的椅子,还把我的椅子坐坏了!” In the kitchen, Papa Bear looked into his bowl of stew. He said, "Somebody's been eating my stew!" Mama Bear cried, "Somebody's been eating my stew!" Baby Bear cried, "Somebody's been eating my stew, and they ate it all up!" 在厨房里,熊爸爸看看他那碗炖肉,说:“有人吃了我的炖肉!”熊妈妈大叫:“有人吃了我的炖肉!”熊宝宝大叫:“有人吃了我的炖肉,还把我的吃光了!” The three bears growled as they climbed the bedroom stairs. Papa Bear growled, "Somebody's been sleeping in my bed!" 三只熊咆哮着来到卧室。熊爸爸咆哮道:“有人睡过我的床!” Mama Bear growled, "Somebody's been sleeping in my bed!" Baby Bear cried, "Somebody's been sleeping in my bed, and there she is!" 熊妈妈咆哮着:“有人睡过我的床!”熊宝宝大叫:“有人睡过我的床,她在这儿!” Goldilocks woke up and wanted to run away, but no one could move. They all froze in their tracks. 金发姑娘醒过来,想逃跑,但谁都动不了。 "Please, forgive me," Goldilocks cried. The Bears forgave her. Goldilocks quit sneaking into people's homes. “请原谅我。”金发姑娘苦着说。熊一家原谅了她。金发姑娘不再偷偷摸摸钻进人们的房子了。
人民教育出版社英语电子课本,4 家长的态度其实不论是读中文还是英文绘本,想要长久的坚持,爸爸妈妈的态度也是很重要的。希望大家能把陪孩子读绘本当成陪伴孩子成长、亲子沟通的一种媒介;而不是把读绘本当成学习任务,硬塞给孩子,这样容易引起孩子的反感、抵触,不利于坚持。
02 认知《雅思写作》学术类的考生呢,其实就是两个任务,一个是图表类的作文,叫做小作文,另外一个就是所谓的大作文,就是在40分钟里面,写出至少250个单词的作文,基本就是议论文的多!当然,还有解释类题材的作文,但是比例小!
人民教育出版社 英语可以肯定的是,已到花甲之年的王先生,很执着,很用功,很刻苦,如果没有经过长期坚持和知识的积淀,没有一定的毅力和功底,说不出也道不出那么多东西来。由此可见,王先生毕竟是一个善于独立思考有理想追求的人,从某个角度来说,他的研究方法和研究结论,开拓了人们视野,所讲内容对读者也是有所启迪,尽管对他材料引用和内容观点不敢苟同。
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