剑桥雅思13test4阅读_【阿卡索官网论坛】英语资源下载剑桥13 继续沿袭之前的剑11 剑1前两个部分为生活场景,后两个部分为学术场景。具体来说,前两个section 涉及电话咨询,交通规则介绍,活动介绍,培训项目介绍等 Section 3 部分全部是常规性的学术场景,基本都是学生与导师之间的学业讨论。最后一个section中,有两篇涉及到动物,分别是关于某些动物在城市环境下的生存进化和一种叫“松果蜥”的动物形态特征、生活习性方面的介绍。值得注意的是,剑桥12的section4部分两次出现商业话题,而在剑桥13当中,仅Test4的section4 部分,讲到咖啡发展史时,谈及了它在经济方面产生的影响。在剑桥11及剑桥12中,section 3ampsection4的学术类题目融入的一些专业话题,比如戏剧,文化等,在剑13中没有重复出现。这次section4部分出现的场景,分别是:生态进化,记忆类型,动物生活习性以及咖啡发展史。在Test2的section4关于情节记忆和语义记忆的部分,出现了“嗅觉”、“听觉”、“神经学”、“孤独症” 等专业性比较强的词汇,要求考生平时应重视专业词汇的积累,具有相应学术词汇的支撑。 剑桥13:从上表可知,剑13 听力部分的题型基本保持不变,其中,填空题仍占有绝对优势。只不过与剑12 相比,稍有下降。具体来说,4 个Test 的section 1 和section 4 基本都是大面积连续性的笔记信息填空,section 2 和section 3 仍以选择类题型为主。另外,与剑桥12不太一致的是,section 1对于个人信息的考察姓名,地址,日期,邮编,号码,又像之前的剑桥系列真题一样,成为第一部分的重要内容,占50的比例。而在剑12 当中,section 1 部分全部为笔记填空题。另外,我们还注意到,与剑桥11 相比,剑桥 12 与剑 13 的 section 1 部分,均没有选择类题型出现。而我们知道,剑桥11 两次在 section 1 部分出现选择类题目。 另外,根据表中数据,我们可以看出,与剑 12 相比,剑 13 当中的多选题明显增加,表格题也比剑 12 有明显增加,单选题题目数量基本保持不变,略有上升。配对题数量有所下降。
剑桥雅思10test4阅读,2段中第二句话在这种情况下,第一句话往往是引出本段落要讨论的话题。在下面的段落中,第一句话引出“topic sentence”这一话题,第二句话为中心句。
剑桥雅思14test3阅读答案,The central idea can be stated at both the beginning and the end of the paragraph(中心句) The initial topic sentence introduces the general context of the paragraph while the body provides the supporting or clarifying details However you should exercise caution when using this technique Simply restating the topic sentence rarely enhances a paragraph and should certainly not be done in an attempt to revive a disunified or incoherent paragraph Ideally the body of the paragraph should build upon the main point raised in the first topic sentence revealing additional insights before the paragraph’s end so that the readers will gain a better understanding of the central idea Then restating the topic sentence at the end with a new twist or with additional information can add to the reader’s understanding of your subject(中心句)
剑桥雅思14test4阅读答案,This is not the only place the topic sentence can go however Many times the topic of a paragraph may be introduced after a transitional sentence 中心句 The transitional sentence guides the reader through a shift in thought pointing back to the previous idea and forward to a new one That new idea becomes the topic sentence of the new paragraph and is followed as before by supporting and clarifying details
剑桥雅思9test4阅读,Reading:建议先做剑桥主要是Test3和Test4 有关收集蚂蚁样本和有关杀虫剂使用的那几篇阅读较难; 随后再做剑主要是是剑9四个阅读题的难度均衡。 4567还是看看有没有时间吧,题型过老,估计没什么做的必要。 Listening : 集中做剑桥8Test 4 还是Test3 有一个街道地图配对, 还有一个section 4 关于澳大利亚土著文化Australian aboriginal 岩画类的听力,个人以为剑桥8这两篇听力偏难。 Writing 剑桥8 Test
剑桥雅思13test4阅读_【阿卡索官网论坛】英语资源下载Placing the topic sentence at the beginning of a paragraph offers a number of advantages 中心句 To begin with it can help the writer keep an eye on paragraph unity by providing a guide for selecting details for the rest of the paragraph For readers placement at the beginning establishes the initial context giving them the foundation they need to understand the details which follow This is especially true if the writer not only introduces the main point in the topic sentence but also forecasts the paragraph’s organization with phrases like “a number of advantages”
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