Placing the topic sentence at the beginning of a paragraph offers a number of advantages 中心句 To begin with it can help the writer keep an eye on paragraph unity by providing a guide for selecting details for the rest of the paragraph For readers placement at the beginning establishes the initial context giving them the foundation they need to understand the details which follow This is especially true if the writer not only introduces the main point in the topic sentence but also forecasts the paragraph’s organization with phrases like “a number of advantages”
雅思阅读真题题库,5没有 Topic sentenceHis fingers moved on the keys rapping out yet another example trying to somehow explain how a paragraph can be written without a topic sentence Mrs Grimwastle his third grade teacher would have shuddered to think that he would one day tell writers that the topic sentence could be left behind that narrative descriptive paragraphs need not state their main idea clearly at the beginning middle or end Could it be true Could a paragraph with an obvious central idea or a specialized paragraph such as a transitional one abandon the cornerstone of paragraph writing could the topic sentence be left out Yes he thought as he wrote The time had come They had to know
雅思阅读真题解析,This is not the only place the topic sentence can go however Many times the topic of a paragraph may be introduced after a transitional sentence 中心句 The transitional sentence guides the reader through a shift in thought pointing back to the previous idea and forward to a new one That new idea becomes the topic sentence of the new paragraph and is followed as before by supporting and clarifying details
雅思真题答案解析,2段中第二句话在这种情况下,第一句话往往是引出本段落要讨论的话题。在下面的段落中,第一句话引出“topic sentence”这一话题,第二句话为中心句。
雅思真题题库,既然同学你想考雅思,必然听说过慎小嶷,是雅思培训领域具盛名的名师,其所著作品多年来持续畅销,成为雅思培训图书标杆式图书。小编向你推荐的就是慎小嶷的两本书《十天突破雅思口语》《剑12版慎小嶷:十天突破雅思写作 剑12版 》
雅思真题阅读_【阿卡索官网论坛】英语资源下载实践才是提高能力的关键。雅思阅读提高除了技巧外更多的还是要我们经常练习,否则技巧再多也是没用的。阅读可以通过模拟来,可以做真题。还可以通过特定的训练,比如你长难句不行,可以加大这方面的训练。雷哥单词的读吧 长难句阅读可以对我们理解长难句有所帮助。
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