What if you decide a paragraph should be developed in indirect order It may be that the point you’re making is very controversial so much so that your readers might disagree with you Or you may feel that leading the readers through a series of supporting details might make comprehension of the main idea easier letting them “warm up” before learning your message Sometimes building up slowly to a main idea can be used as a dramatic tool as well keeping readers guessing until the last instant In these situations it may be best to place the topic sentence at the end of the paragraph 中心句
雅思阅读八大题型介绍,实践才是提高能力的关键。雅思阅读提高除了技巧外更多的还是要我们经常练习,否则技巧再多也是没用的。阅读可以通过模拟来,可以做真题。还可以通过特定的训练,比如你长难句不行,可以加大这方面的训练。雷哥单词的读吧 长难句阅读可以对我们理解长难句有所帮助。
雅思阅读考试题型,既然同学你想考雅思,必然听说过慎小嶷,是雅思培训领域具盛名的名师,其所著作品多年来持续畅销,成为雅思培训图书标杆式图书。小编向你推荐的就是慎小嶷的两本书《十天突破雅思口语》《剑12版慎小嶷:十天突破雅思写作 剑12版 》
雅思阅读理解题型,雅思阅读文章题材分为科学、人文历史和社会科学。科学是研究大自然中有机或无机的事物和现象的科学,包括天文学、物理学、化学、地球科学、生物学和地理学。人文历史包括哲学、经济学、政治学、历史学、法学、文艺学、伦理学、语言学等;社会科学是指以社会现象为研究对象的科学,如政治学、经济学、军事学、法学、教育学、文艺学、史学、语言学、民族学 、宗教学、社会学等。
雅思的阅读题型有哪些,What if you decide a paragraph should be developed in indirect order It may be that the point you’re making is very controversial so much so that your readers might disagree with you Or you may feel that leading the readers through a series of supporting details might make comprehension of the main idea easier letting them “warm up” before learning your message Sometimes building up slowly to a main idea can be used as a dramatic tool as well keeping readers guessing until the last instant In these situations it may be best to place the topic sentence at the end of the paragraph 中心句
除了skimming文章首段和每一段首句,还要看下每一段的末句,尤其是末句呈现了类似于this is thus therefore之类总结性词的语句,由于这些语句很有也许是对前文的一种归纳,句中的词也是常常会在heading呈现的。
雅思阅读十大题型_【阿卡索官方论坛】英语资源下载The central idea can be stated at both the beginning and the end of the paragraph(中心句) The initial topic sentence introduces the general context of the paragraph while the body provides the supporting or clarifying details However you should exercise caution when using this technique Simply restating the topic sentence rarely enhances a paragraph and should certainly not be done in an attempt to revive a disunified or incoherent paragraph Ideally the body of the paragraph should build upon the main point raised in the first topic sentence revealing additional insights before the paragraph’s end so that the readers will gain a better understanding of the central idea Then restating the topic sentence at the end with a new twist or with additional information can add to the reader’s understanding of your subject(中心句)
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