Thumbelina was taking a walk sadly in an underground passage, which was actually the house of the mole. At that time, she found a swallow that had fallen on the ground. "Ah, poor swallow. Please gain your strength." Thumbelina nursed the swallow earnestly. Finally, spring came, and the swallow gained strength and was about to leave the underground passage. He said, "Dear Thumbelina, come with me to the flower country where there is nothing but sun and flowers."
[少儿资源]《尼尔森自然拼读 Nelson Phonics》,配合练习册效果更佳哦! 下载地址:
拇指姑娘英文版故事书作者,Thumbelina was taking a walk sadly in an underground passage, which was actually the house of the mole. At that time, she found a swallow that had fallen on the ground. "Ah, poor swallow. Please gain your strength." Thumbelina nursed the swallow earnestly. Finally, spring came, and the swallow gained strength and was about to leave the underground passage. He said, "Dear Thumbelina, come with me to the flower country where there is nothing but sun and flowers."
拇指姑娘英语故事, “阁!阁!呱!呱!呱!”这位少爷所能讲出的话,就只有这一点。他们搬着这张漂亮的小床,在水里游走了。拇指姑娘独自坐在绿叶上,不禁大哭起来,因为她不喜欢跟一个讨厌的癞蛤蟆住在一起,也不喜欢有那一个丑少爷做自己的丈夫。在水里游着的一些小鱼曾经看到过癞蛤蟆,同时也听到过她所说的话。因此它们都伸出头来,想瞧瞧这个小小的姑娘。它们一眼看到她,就觉得她非常美丽,因而它们非常不满意,觉得这样一个人儿却要下嫁给一个丑癞蛤蟆,那可不成!这样的事情决不能让它发生!它们在水里一起集合到托着那片绿叶的梗子的周围——小姑娘就住在那上面。它们用牙齿把叶梗子咬断了,使得这片叶子顺着水流走了,带着拇指姑娘流走了,流得非常远,流到癞蛤蟆完全没有办法达到的地方去。
拇指姑娘英文简短版, 拇指姑娘的摇篮是一个光得发亮的漂亮胡桃壳,她的垫子是蓝色紫罗兰的花瓣,她的被子是玫瑰的花瓣。这就是她晚上睡觉的地方。但是白天她在桌子上玩耍——在这桌子上,那个女人放了一个盘子,上面又放了一圈花儿,花的枝干浸在水里。水上浮着一起很大的郁金香花瓣。拇指姑娘可以坐在这花瓣上,用两根白马尾作桨,从盘子这一边划到那一边。这样儿真是美丽啦!她还能唱歌,而且唱得那么温柔和甜蜜,从前没有任何人听到过。
拇指姑娘的英文怎么说, “这是一朵很美的花,”女人说,同时在那美丽的、黄而带红的花瓣上吻了一下。不过,当她正在吻的时候,花儿忽然劈啪一声,开放了。人们现在可以看出,这是一朵真正的郁金香。但是在这朵花的正中央,在那根绿色的雌蕊上面,坐着一位娇小的姑娘,她看起来又白嫩,又可爱。她还没有大拇指的一半长,因此人们就将她叫做拇指姑娘。
Once upon a time, there lived a woman who had no children. The woman went to a sorcerer and begged, "I want to raise a pretty baby." The sorcerer then gave her a flower seed. As soon as the seed was planted, a tulip blossomed forth. From the floral leaf, a lovely baby girl who was as short as a thumb was born.
After some time, it began to snow. Thumbelina was looking for a place to take shelter when she finally saw a twinkling light. "I am Thumbelina. Please allow me to take a rest in your house." A field mouse woman greeted the girl warmly saying, "Oh my dear, please come in."
我家宝宝两岁,最近常看的故事有《小红帽》《快乐王子》《狼来了》《little blue》《神笔马良》《挤着睡》《鸽子就爱会跑的一系列》《严肃的农场》《一年十二个月》《十个小脚趾》《阿里巴巴和四十大盗》等等,绘本首选,小故事辅助。
[少儿资源]《尼尔森自然拼读 Nelson Phonics》,配合练习册效果更佳哦! 下载地址: