Then he ran off and soon came to a great marsh where the wild ducks lived. He stayed there for two whole days.A big dog appeared close beside him,but he did not touch the duckling. "Oh,I am so ugly that even the dog won`t bite me." Sighed the duckling.
[少儿资源]BBC(莎拉和小鸭子Sarah and Duck)全套双语高清版 下载地址:
sarah and duck英文版百度云Then he ran off and soon came to a great marsh where the wild ducks lived. He stayed there for two whole days.A big dog appeared close beside him,but he did not touch the duckling. "Oh,I am so ugly that even the dog won`t bite me." Sighed the duckling.
我家姐姐在美国上过两年幼儿园,她从小接触到的就是纯正的英语环境,所以口语发音都还是不错的 弟弟随在没货出生,但是并没有上过美国幼儿园,英文基本不会。后来我们回国 姐姐的英语基本上丢下了。但是由于我坚持每天给他们读英文绘本,听英文音频,动画只看英文,所以听力基本还在。
英文音频我给我家娃听得音频主要有:Penelope(一直可爱的小兰熊)、Sarah and duck,word world,curious George,peppa pig等,这些音频都是在喜马拉雅上听得,有免费的资源,孩子们爱听,每天晚上他们都是听着这些故事入睡。
其他的英文绘本还有peppa pig,little critter,splash the cat,little princess,pet the cat等,这类绘本都属于幽默有趣型的,字数稍稍多一些,但是还是很适合孩子的。而且他们大多都还有相应的动画,结合一起学习,效果更佳。
英文绘本我觉得孩子首先接触的绘本应该是简单、有趣的 这样更能激发他们的兴趣。因此,我极力推荐的一套英文绘本就是“piggie and elephant”系列。
语言学习最重要的还是不断的语言刺激 给孩子足够的接触机会,家长的亲子阅读非常重要,平时有能力多和孩子英文交流,这样无疑更好哦,加油(ง •̀_•́)ง
It was summer. A duck was sitting in her nest. Her little ducklings were about to hatched.
[少儿资源]BBC(莎拉和小鸭子Sarah and Duck)全套双语高清版 下载地址: