

小学英语教师资格证面试逐字稿(呈现词汇)Now I will draw some stick figures for you and you should guess what it is. (老师画出简笔画,让学生猜这是什么?钟/照片/植物/水杯/自行车) (画出植物的简笔画) what’s this?Lily,please. Yes, it is a plant. Good job. Sit down, please. (画出自行车的简笔画)what’s this Lucy, please. Yes, it is a bike. Well done. Sit down, please. (拿出一个水杯,直接展示给学生)what’s this Cindy, please. Yes, it is a water bottle.(然后画出水杯的简笔画)You did a very good job. Sit down please. (给学生猜谜语)Now,I will give you a riddle, you should guess what I am. I have two legs, one is short. The other one is long. When I walk, I never go straight. Instead, I go in a circle and make the sound “Tick, Tick, Tick”. so what I am. Cathy, please. Yes,clock. (然后画出钟表的简笔画) you have a very good guessing ability. Sit down, please. (拿出手机自拍,让学生看照片,让学生说这是什么?) What is this Yes, it is a photo.(画出照片的简笔画)

[少儿资源]小学英语词汇教学优质课——外教倾情讲授 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/thread-19176-1-1.html

小学英语词汇课逐字稿(呈现词汇)Now I will draw some stick figures for you and you should guess what it is. (老师画出简笔画,让学生猜这是什么?钟/照片/植物/水杯/自行车) (画出植物的简笔画) what’s this?Lily,please. Yes, it is a plant. Good job. Sit down, please. (画出自行车的简笔画)what’s this Lucy, please. Yes, it is a bike. Well done. Sit down, please. (拿出一个水杯,直接展示给学生)what’s this Cindy, please. Yes, it is a water bottle.(然后画出水杯的简笔画)You did a very good job. Sit down please. (给学生猜谜语)Now,I will give you a riddle, you should guess what I am. I have two legs, one is short. The other one is long. When I walk, I never go straight. Instead, I go in a circle and make the sound “Tick, Tick, Tick”. so what I am. Cathy, please. Yes,clock. (然后画出钟表的简笔画) you have a very good guessing ability. Sit down, please. (拿出手机自拍,让学生看照片,让学生说这是什么?) What is this Yes, it is a photo.(画出照片的简笔画)


(机械性操练,不需要进行脑力思考活动)After you have finished learning the present continuous tense. This time, we will do some activities to practice it. The first exercise, you should use the dialogue on the paper and have conversations with your partners. And then I will choose some pairs to stand up to share. I will give you three minutes. Now, let’s do it. Now, let’s stop here. Judy and Lora, please. Your performance makes me feel good. Thank you, sit down, please. Bob and Tom, please. Another wonderful job. Thank you, sit down, please. (意义型操练,需要进行思考而且答案没有唯一性的训练)Now you should open your mind and work with your partners to think out more sentences with present continuous tense. Then some students will be chosen to stand up to have a sharing. Kate, please. Kate has very good ideas. She just said David is teaching children English and the children are listening to the teachers carefully. Lily, please. Lily also has a very open thinking. Sit down, please. She just said On Sunday, Wu Hua is playing basketball and Susan is feeding the birds.IV. Production, 综合语言交际活动,语言产出环节。在这里需要将学生所有所学的语言知识进行在真实的综合交际情境中,进行使用。这里老师的话术可以按照:主(题)-(分)组-形(式)-时(间)-(分)享,这里的语言90%都是套路模版,被一个可以一劳永逸的。


意义型操练Meaningful drilling:用所给词汇进行编对话; 用所给词汇进行自由造句; 用所给词汇进行讲故事; 看图说话;做讨论调查。(同时这5种活动也可以使用一种放在production的环节里。)


Time runs so fast. We come to the end of this class. I will lead you to have a conclusion of the whole class. This class we have learned the grammar--present continuous tense. We also practiced it and learned how to use it into the real exercise and the communicative language activities. Now I will give you the homework. You should try to make more accurate sentence in present continuous tense at home and the content should come from your daily life. Next class, some students will be chosen to have a sharing.Goodbye, everyone. See you next class.(鞠躬)板书设计


(可删减,如果时间多可以使用,如果时间刚好,建议删去。“Now who wants to do a supplement. Good, Cindy. ~~ Cindy has a very good and full supplement of the summary. Sit down, please. She said we have also learned how to grasp the main idea and the specific information of the listening material and improve our interests and desire of learning English.”)(Homework)Okay, at the end of this class, I have to give you my homework today. You should go back to your home and describe your room with your parents. Next class, I will invite some ones to stand in front of the classroom and have a show. Goodbye. Everyone.See you next class.(鞠躬)


(Summary)Boys and girls, time runs so fast. This time will have a summary of what we have learned in this lesson. I will choose one student to be as the teacher’s assisstant to have a summary. Then other students should do the supplement. “Lily, please. ~~ good, Lily has a very good summary of this lesson. She said we have learned some words about things in the room and some sentences and use the language we have learned into the communicative activities and in the daily life. Okay, sit down, please.”

Warming-up和Summary&Homework环节,90%的语言都可以背一套模版,然后所有其他课都可以套用。大家最需要认真学习和准备的是中间的3P环节。 接下来直接上词汇课逐字稿模板,供大家参考和学习。这是选自人教版小学英语Unit5 There is a big bed.里的词汇课。 下文附考生们觉得最难的课型——(小学初中)词汇课逐字稿,全为作者熬夜码字辛苦原创,需要的朋友,请添加“关注”,拿走不谢哦!祝大家早日成功上岸,拿到本本! 英语教师资格证面试备考很简单,请“关注”头条号“Maple老师谈教育”。我发布了很多免费的英语备考资料给大家,可以去下载哦。教材模版(Let’s learn):

(Exercise 3练习三)Now boys and girls, this time I need you to use the sentence to practice the words yourselves. Three minutes will be given to you. Later, some students will be chosen to share your answers. Now let’s do it. Time is up. Linda, please. Good job, sit down, please. You have a very good pronunciation and your answers are all right.

英语教师资格证面试备考很简单,请关注头条号“Maple老师谈教育”。我发布了很多免费的英语备考资料给大家,可以去下载哦。(下文附考生们觉得最难的课型——语法课逐字稿,全为作者码字辛苦原创,需要的朋友,添加关注,拿走不谢哦!祝大家早日成功上岸,拿到本本!) 英语语法课,属于知识型课型,很多朋友会觉得非常难,其实也是套路满满。 拿到这个题纸后,首先要看题目是:what is he doing? 内容的呈现形式是:对话;而且最主要的结构就是现在进行时;基本要求可以清晰明白的告诉我们这节课是一个什么课型,很明显(2)中要求,讲解现在进行时,因此这是一节语法课;还有肢体语言也是一个需要有的环节,在我们设计课程的时候一定要加上,否则容易扣分。 关于要求还有4大隐性要求,大家一定要注意,及时要求里没说,你也一定要做到。那就是: 全英文授课; 跟学生交流互动环节; 必须有适当的板书; 时间控制在十分钟时间,最好是8分半左右。 语法课,顾名思义Grammar知识型课型,所用授课模式为PPP,1P:presentation知识呈现(分为演绎法deduction和归纳法induction);2P:practice知识操练(分为机械型操练Mechanic drilling和意义型操练Meaningful drilling);3P:production知识在综合的语言情境中的运用和展示(分为六大类型活动:role-play; debate; games; discussion; retelling; survey),这些大家可以根据需要自行选取,语言其实都90%类似,只是换个形式罢了。 这个课型整体的授课思路是:I. warming-up II.presentation III.practice IV.production V. production 。那么,中间的3P环节该怎么操作呢? 我自己编制了7字诀来帮助大家:分别是“读(read)—找(find)—观(observe)—归(generalize)—教(teach)—练(practice)—展(use)”。按照这个来实施,那么知识型课型,会变得非常简单。接下来我们就结合这个考试题旨来给大家详细分析一下,以及给大家提供一篇经典的范稿,可以直接背诵。 题旨呈现:这是去年考的较多的课型,很简单,但很多人讲的不够好的一个题旨。(下面是精编的语法课模版,全为本人一晚上码字原创,喜欢的朋友复制粘贴后,点击“关注”,点赞和留言哦!)

小学英语词汇课逐字稿I. Warming-up, 热身环节导入Good morning. Boys and girls. How are you today Fine. Good. I am fine, too. Before this class, let’s sing a song. (万能歌曲:唱的最好听的歌,带一定的动作。If you are happy “if you are happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you are happy and you know it, stamp your feet. If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it.”.) This class, we are going to learn some words in Unit 5 There is a big bed.(老师写标题在黑板上)

[少儿资源]小学英语词汇教学优质课——外教倾情讲授 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/thread-19176-1-1.html






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