阿卡索英语学习社区今天分享的资源是少儿英语绘本《 lulu the big little chick》。绘本是一则趣味英语故事,绘本的插画也是非常的有趣,因此不用担心孩子觉得内容枯燥而无心学习。由于绘本阅读要求有一定的词汇量,这里不建议作为零基础少儿的启蒙教学,可以作为小学少儿的课外读物来使用。
lulu the big little chick 简介:
Lulu the little chicken is sick of being told she's too little to do things...so she decides to run away where no one will tell her what to do. And when the horse, and sheep and cow and everyone seem to get in her way, it only makes her more determined. But when she finally gets far far away, what happens when a loud crow scares her? Next time, she'll take her momma with her! Lulu the Big Little Chick won the Children's Choice Book Award in May of 2010 for Kindergarten to Second Grade Book of the Year, the 2011 London Book Festival Children's Book Award, and Honorable Mention at the 2011 New England Book Festival.
少儿英语, 英语绘本
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