趣趣知知鸟 Twirlywoos》是BBC儿童频道在2015年推出的一档面向低龄宝宝的动画片,通过片中4个可爱的小知知鸟的探险,帮助孩子了解一些简单的日常生活概念。
特别适合3岁以下儿童英语和生活的启蒙。 适合的年龄比BBC同期播出的《嗨!狗狗老师 Hey Duggee》更低幼,与《天线宝宝》相仿。
《趣趣知知鸟 Twirlywoos》每集11分钟,聚焦一个生活中的基本概念,例如第一季的第一集“Full”,就是讲述“Full”的意思。 强烈推荐作为3岁以下宝宝作为第一个启蒙动画观看。
1. Full
The Twirlywoos are in a kitchen where they watch a man fill a glass with water.
2. Underneath
The Twirlywoos learn about underneath when they visit a hat shop.
3. Round and Round
The Twirlywoos watch a little girl and her dad playing on a roundabout.
4. Up
The Twirlywoos are in a back garden where they watch a man hanging washing up on a line.
5. Connecting
The Twirlywoos are at a bus stop where they watch a boy tie his shoelace.
6. Noisy
The Twirlywoos find that playing with a radio can have very noisy consequences.
7. All Gone
The Twirlywoos watch a lady decorating some cakes.
8. Behind
The Twirlywoos entertain a baby - and confuse her dad by popping up behind him.
9. This Way, That Way
The Twirlywoos are chased this way and that way when they encounter a dog in a park.
10. Up and Down
The Twirlywoos learn about up and down when they play with a bouncy ball.
11. Over
The Twirlywoos see a man stepping over puddles and try to copy him.
12. Shorter and Shorter
The Twirlywoos find out how to make something shorter when they unravel a woolly blanket.
13. Wrapping
The Twirlywoos see someone wrapping a present.
14. Gone
The Twirlywoos watch a toy train go into a tunnel, and have trouble with disappearing tea.
15. Covering
The Twirlywoos see a tablecloth covering a table and decide to cover some other things.
16. Coming and Going
The Twirlywoos watch a man running a bath, into which he puts some colourful bath salts.
17. Through
The Twirlywoos see a postman putting letters through a letterbox and decide to copy him.
18. Soft
The Twirlywoos meet a soft and fluffy cat, and can't resist stroking its fur.
19. Pop
The Twirlywoos learn about popping when they encounter a machine that makes bubbles.
20. Upside Down
The Twirlywoos learn about upside down when they watch a gallery owner hanging paintings.