《杰克与梦幻岛海盗 Jake and the Never Land Pirates》是迪士尼原创的海盗题材学龄前动画,故事的背景设置在“小飞侠彼得潘”和“奇妙仙子小叮当”的家乡——梦幻岛 the Never Land,讲述小海盗船长Jake和朋友们的故事。
第四季是最后一季, 但是目前能找到的很零散, 先把目前有的和大家分享. 也希望有神人能帮忙补齐这个列表.
视频有720p, 也有1080p, 基本上都是高清的, 内嵌英文字幕.
No.TitleDate1+2Into the Heart of Coldness/The Remarkable Beardini!September 19, 20153+4Escape from Ghost Island/The Island of Doctor UndergearOctober 10, 20155+6Rise of the Pirate Pharaoh/The Golden HookOctober 17, 20157+8Mystery of the Mighty Colossus/The Doubloon MonsoonOctober 24, 20159+10Shark Attack/Captain Hook's Colossal CollisionNovember 7, 201511+12Phantoms of Never-Nether Land/Magical Mayhem!November 14, 201513+14Monkey Tiki Trouble/Captain Jake's Cold-Hearted MateyNovember 21, 201515+16The Golden Dragon/Peter Pan's 100 Treasures!February 8, 201617+18Dread the Pharoah!/Sharky UnchainedMarch 7, 201619+20Captain Quixote/Captain Hook's Crocodile CrewMarch 14, 201621+22The Creature of Doubloon Lagoon/Minotaur Mix-Up!March 21, 201623+24Pirate Fools Day!/The Forbidden CityMarch 28, 201625+26Attack of the Pirate Piranhas/March of the Lava MonstersJune 21, 201627+28Beardini's Apprentice/Mummy First MateJuly 11, 201629The Legion of Pirate VillainsOctober 1, 201630+31Crabageddon!/Night of the StonewolfOctober 8, 201632Tales of Captain BuzzardOctober 15, 201633+34Tiger Sharky Strikes Again!/Captain Jake's Pirate Power Crew!October 22, 201635Captain Hook's Last Stand!November 6, 201636+37Pirate Princess's Big Days!/Sleeping Pirate PrincessApril 7, 201738+39The Good The Bad and The Peter Pans!/Misty vs Sea Witch!April 10, 201740+41Marina's Birthday/The Princess and the MermaidsApril 13, 2017