在线英语家教,今天给大家介绍一下:“三个人”到底是three people还是three persons还有哪些值得我注意的地方呢?在线儿童英语一对一,下面就跟着小编我给大家详细解一下:“三个人”到底是three people还是three persons在线英语家教,在线儿童英语一对一,,看完此文相信大家对学习又会有新的看法了。
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课程目标:There was a time in history when it was put forward that grammatically, persons should be the preferred plural any time more than one person was referred to as a countable noun, and people should be preferred for uncountable nouns. That practice did not become standard, and nowadays, the plural persons is only considered correct in legal contexts and, occasionally, 外教一对一学英语口语哪里好?gaojiguanjia怎样选择好的一对一英语口语培训when deliberately referring to humans individually rather than collectively.
但对现在的大多数母语是英语的人来说,陪审团中有12个人说成12persons似乎有些乏味,以美式英语为母语的人会说陪审团有12 people。在这样的类似的语境中,“people”这个词已经被使用了很长时间,而且是更自然的表达方式。
总结The plural of person should be people in the vast majority of contexts, although legalese uses the plural persons.
To the modern reader or speaker of American English, persons seem a little unnatural or strained. Its understandable that the Associated Press and The New York Times recommend using people over persons except in quotations and set phrases.
对于现代美国英语的读者或讲话者来说,“人”的复数说成persons似乎有点不自然或牵强。社和纽约时报建议使用people而不是persons,除了在引用和固定短语中。所以,“三个人”更自然的说法应该是three people。今天的内容都学会了么?