托福口语共有6 tasks,其中的task 1和task 2,也称为independent tasks,是最考验考生口语能力的两题。
In task 1, you need to express and defend a personal choice from a given category.Preparation time: 15 seconds, response time: 45 seconds.
In task 2, you need to defend a personal choice between two contrasting behaviors or courses of action.Preparation time: 15 seconds, response time: 45 seconds.
举个Task 1的例子:Students have to complete various types of academic assignments in school. Choose one of the assignments below and explain why you think it is beneficial for students.1. Research paper;2. Class presentation;3.Group project.这道题目要求考生在三种作业形式中,挑选认为对学生有益的一种,并加以解释。