The widening gap between the rich and the poor, the more social class cured, and the government's lack of safeguards for the underlying youth is the root cause of juvenile delinquency.。
In recent years, the economic and social reasons that lead to the sharp increase of crime and the gap between rich and poor。
3、在面对“享乐主义”、“金钱至上”等不良思想观念,以及大量含有暴力、色情等不健康内容的信息时,未成年人由于缺乏鉴别能力,In the face of "hedonism", "money first" and other bad ideas, and a large number of violent, pornographic and other unhealthy content of information, the lack of identification of minors。
At present, the vast majority of juvenile delinquency is a criminal motive for illegally occupying public or other property, and a considerable number of criminals are committing a crime in pursuit of pleasure and fulfillment of the materialism of expansion.。
针对这类论述例句如下:确保《预防未成年人犯罪法》的执行。To ensure the implementation of the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency Act.共青团、妇联、工会等人民团体以及学校和未成年人保护组织应当有针对性地解决其就业和教育管理问题,大力开展帮扶救助和权益保护工作,预防和减少其违法犯罪。Communist Youth League, woman's federations, trade unions and other people's organizations as well as schools and minors protection organizations should be targeted to solve their employment and education management issues, vigorously carry out aid relief and protection of rights and interests to prevent and reduce their crimes.要让青少年树立正确的人生观、价值观和世界观,自觉抵制西方的拜金主义、享乐主义和极端主义等思想。Let the young people to establish a correct outlook on life, values and world view, consciously resist the Western money worship, hedonism and extremism and other ideas.