Make a plan 鍒跺畾濂戒竴澶╃殑宸ヤ綔璁″垝
Diet adjustment 璋冩暣楗
Do some sports 閫傚害杩愬姩
Give yourself more time 缁欒嚜宸遍€傚簲鐨勬椂闂?/p>
Be your own cheerleader 鍋氳嚜宸辩殑鍔犳补绔?/p>
涓€銆丮ake a plan 鍒跺畾濂戒竴澶╃殑宸ヤ綔璁″垝After the New Year, back to the office, what鈥檚 the first thing to do? Take out your pen and paper, list today's work plan. A clear schedule can help us quickly return to working condition, settling work ideas. Do not work immediately after listing, take some time to communicate with your colleagues, clear up the desktop, and adapt yourself to the new environment. It is not advisable to arrange high-intensity work for the first three days before starting the work. Trying to arrange some communicate-oriented work as far as possible, which can give a period of buffer.
€佹暣鐞嗘闈紝璁╄嚜宸遍€傚簲鏂扮殑鐜銆傚紑宸ュ洖鏉ュ墠涓夊ぉ涓嶅疁瀹夋帓楂樺己搴﹀伐浣滐紝灏介噺瀹夋帓涓€浜涗氦娴佹€ц川鐨勫伐浣滐紝鍙互缁欏埌涓€涓紦鍐茶皟鏁寸殑鏃舵湡銆?/p>浜屻€丏iet adjustment 璋冩暣楗During the Spring Festival, we eat feast everyday. It will lead to protein excess and make people feel very tired, digestion ability decreased, the burden of gastrointestinal overload. After the holiday, our diet should be regular. The first three days you can only eat vegetarian, also can drink a lot of boiled water, eat more crude fiber and green vegetables, speed up the body's metabolism, to help restore gastrointestinal health.