的英语面试常见问题及回答是关于领导力和客服的问题。一、What is your leader ship style?First of all,I'm quite a hands-off manager ,For instance,if one of my team has a proect.I'll keep an eye on things,But I don't need to be involved in every detail . I'm also very approachable.in that I make sure my team know they can come to me with problems or questions at any time .Finally I like to lead from the front .That means that if everyone's working late to meet a deadline,I make sure I'm there with them.
二、Can you tell me about a time when you demonstrated excellent customer service?Situation:There was one time when a customer's order hadn't arrived .and we didn't know what had happened to it .
Task: The customer was very unhappy.and I had to try to solve the problem for him .
Action: I arranged for a replacement to be sent,thinking we could find out what happened to the previous order later.
Result: In the end .The customer was happy that I could solve his problem quickly and simply.
T-Task: 你是如何明确你的任务的。
A-Action: 针对这样的情况分析,你采用了什么行动方式。
R-Result: 结果怎样,在这样的情况下你学习到了什么。