一、常用英语口语8000句You ought to quit smoking.你应该戒烟。
They can quit cold turkey!一下子就戒掉了!
They stopped to smoke a cigarette.他们停下来,抽了根烟。
When you quit smoking you also have to change your lifestyle.戒烟的一部分是要改变生活习惯。
The doctor told me to keep
my mouth and hands busy!医生曾建议他,不要让自己的嘴和手闲着。About one-third of the people at the company, Piala, were smokers and stepped away from their desks during the day for cigarette breaks.在这个叫Piala的公司,三分之一的人都是烟民,他们时不时就会离开座位下楼吞云吐雾。
I can't fight with the urge to reach for my pack of smokes in the morning with coffee or after lunch! 我不能抵挡想早晨喝咖啡或午饭后想抽烟的欲望。
I had to stop drinking too much beer, because when I drank, it made me want to smoke.一喝啤酒就自然而然地想抽烟,所以为了戒烟他索性连酒也少喝了。
I quit smoking.我戒烟了。
I'm a chain smoker.我是个老烟鬼。
I can't quit smoking. 我戒不了烟。
Are you smoking a lot?你烟抽得频吗?
You smoke like a chimney.你烟瘾够大的。
Smoking is not allowed here.此地禁止吸烟。
Do you mind my smoking here?你介意我吸烟吗?
I'm trying to smoke less.我正在设法减少吸烟。
Can you oblige me with a match? 借个火可以吗?
I only smoke filter tips.我只抽有过滤嘴的香烟。
Am I allowed to smoke here?我可以在这里吸烟吗?
Have you tried to give up smoking?你试过戒烟吗?
I guess you don't smoke,right?我猜你不抽烟,对吗?
Have you tried to give up smoking?你试过戒烟吗?
What do you think of smoking?你是怎么看吸烟问题的?
I'm afraid this is a no-smoking area.这里是无烟区。
Smoking is not permitted in this area.这里禁止吸烟。
I've tried to quit so many times. 我试了戒烟那么多次。
It smells like an ashtray in here!这儿闻起来有股烟灰缸的味道。