首先,同学们需要了解的是雅思听力的武功路数即听力的表达模式。最常见的一种为逻辑表达法,即通过分歧的逻辑词汇将多个信息点串联,将正确信息包裹在迷幻阵中。今天我们来讲解的是多种逻辑之一---强调逻辑,从而将正确答案的面纱揭开,使其更加清晰。那强调逻辑到底是什么?个中,需要大家记住的是常见的两种强调逻辑词:1. Surprise= amazed= not realized=not expected;2. I am happy to report/ what struck me is。
强调逻辑词一:Surprise= amazed= not realized=not expected。此类词汇表现的是多项内容呈现时,表示惊讶的部门。我们以阿卡索真题14-1-3为例。
在此题目中,首先题干部门已经指明限定条件surprise,所以在听音频之前就要明确目的,一定要听与surprise相关的信息。其次,我们来看听力原文相关部门Rob: yeah. And cities are expanding so quicklyI mean, we know that more than half the worlds population lives in cities now. Carla: yeah, but thats all cities, not just ones on the coast. Most of the biggest cities are actually built by the sea, Id not realize that before.个中易混淆信息为population,但是会发现与surprise信息(同义替换为not realize)相关的点为biggest cities,相对应的选项为B。
强调逻辑词二:I am happy to report/ what struck me is。此类词汇一般呈现时也会有语气的变化。同样,我们还是以阿卡索真题7-2-4为例.
31. Anita first felt the Matthews article was of value when she realized
A. How it would help her difficulties with left-handedness
B. The relevance of connections he made with music
C. The impressive size of his research project
在此题目中,并没有很明显的强调信息点。但是从听力原文He spent the first part of the article talking about handedness in musicratherthan sport, which I have to say almost put me off from reading further. but what I soon 阿卡索ame struck by was the sheer volume of both observation and investigation he had done in many different sports.可知,强调逻辑词为:whatI soon 阿卡索ame struck by,从而得知答案句为thesheer volume,此为C选项impressive size的同义词,所以答案为C.